
Blue by Jesilyn Holdridge

Book: Blue by Jesilyn Holdridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge
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the time?”
    “Yeah, I’ll go and tell someone about your little Blue ordeal.”
    “Okay.” She was gone, leaving Meganlynn alone for a few seconds. Meganlynn had absolutely no idea that it was that long of a walk down to the field, but it was.
    She sat up in her bed to find that she was staring right into the eyes of the boys that she never wanted to see again.
    “What do you want?” she managed to speak out.
    “You.” Then they were both on her, raping her.

    “Mr. Nolls! Please it’s an emergency!” Alex yelled. “You have to help her!”
    “Who? Who do I have help?” Mr. Nolls asked Meganlynn’s cabin partner.
    “Meganlynn. She’s been beaten. I woke up this morning, and she wasn’t awake. Her pillow was soaked in tears, and she had coughed-up some blood.”
    “Where is she?”
    “She’s up in our cabin.”
    “Who beat her?” He was now running.
    “Blue, I think that she said that one of her ex-boyfriends was involved with it too, though.”
    “Okay, well let’s get to her first.”

    She was lying there, alone. Justin and Blue had left. Justin had just done something that he could go to jail for, but he didn’t care. He had wanted her in the same way and with the same intensity as Blue had. She hated them for it, too.
    She got up, got dressed, grabbed her purse and car keys, and then walked out the back way to her car and drove away. Her eyes were blackened, and she was having a hard time seeing everything, but she was still capable of driving. She had hated Blue ever since he had stepped into her life a year ago and harassed her. She didn’t hate Justin, but she knew that she should feel that way because of everything that they had just done to her. She put the CD back in and drove to a shopping center that was already beginning to crowd with people.
    She sat down with her phone in hand and then called her parents from her phone. Her voice was shaky but she had to tell someone what had happened.
    “Hello?” her mother’s tired voice answered.
    “Hi, Momma,” answered her very shaky voice.
    “Hi, honey, what’s wrong?”
    “Remember Blue?”
    “Yeah, how could we forget him?”
    “Well, you need to call Mr. Nolls and tell him that I am not coming back to band camp no matter what.”
    “Momma, Blue and Justin just raped me.”
    “They did what? I’m coming down there.”
    “Raped me! Blue has been beating me the whole time that I’ve been down here and—and now Blue finally did what he had been promising he was going to do and Justin just decided to join in.”
    “Okay, well go over to your aunt and uncle’s house.”
    “I’ll go to Johnny’s house, he’s my new boyfriend.”
    “Okay, honey, I’ll call him and tell him that you’re on your way and then. I’ll let him know that we’re going to be staying there for a few days.”
    “Honey,” her mother’s voice pleaded.
    “Yeah.” Meganlynn was trying not to cry or draw attention to her.
    “Don’t go anywhere without Johnny once you’re with him, promise?”
    “I promise.”
    “Okay. I’ll make those two phone calls, and then I’ll call you back.”
    “Okay, bye.”
    “Love you, Megan.”
    “Love you too, Momma,” She hung-up the phone. She got up and walked back out to the car and then drove to Johnny’s house.

    “Hello?” Johnny answered his house phone sleepily.
    “Hi. Johnny?” Meganlynn’s mother replied.
    “Yeah, but who is this?”
    “This is Meganlynn’s mother.”
    “Okay, is she okay?”
    “You can ask her for me when she gets there, but she needs to stay with you for a couple of days or weeks or however long it takes okay?”
    “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that my parents will be okay with it. It must be pretty major.”
    “She ran away from band camp.”
    “Oh, then it is pretty major.”
    “Yeah, it is.”
    “Okay, she can stay here.”
    “If your parents need to talk to me then just call me on this number okay?”
    “She should be there

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