Blown Away (Rogues Shifter Series Book 4)

Blown Away (Rogues Shifter Series Book 4) by Gayle Parness

Book: Blown Away (Rogues Shifter Series Book 4) by Gayle Parness Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gayle Parness
soft sound; very unlike American names.”
    “Sasha means ‘defender’ in Russian. I suppose that Kaera has some powerful meaning in fae?” He leaned back in his sexy way and draped a long arm over the back of the couch. He was dripping with seductive charm, since there was no blood more delicious to a vampire than fae blood. Sasha was obviously hoping for a little taste. Having had a taste of fae magic several times myself, I understood the appeal.
    “Not exactly.” Kaera shook her head, allowing her thick black hair to tumble over her shoulders, setting off her glittering violet eyes. “It means ‘darkness' and is  a tiny part of my True Name, but suits me well, I think. My sister and I enjoy the more dangerous road. My family doesn’t always approve.” She met his gaze, inviting him to make a move.
    Sasha was reaching for her hand when I spoke up. “Kaera, I think you should get something to eat. Sasha and I need to talk.
    Sasha glared at me, but Kaera only nodded with a slight smile. “As you wish, Jacqueline.” She got up and went into the kitchen as I stared at the angry vampire on the couch.

    “I don’t give a crap what you do on your free time, but Kaera’s here to work and so are you.” I suddenly felt dizzy and so I plunked myself down awkwardly in a nearby chair, clutching at the arms to steady myself. Sasha looked at me strangely for a moment and then must have sent a message to Garrett because he was by my side in a flash.
    “You look pale, are you unwell?” Garrett kissed my forehead to feel my body temperature and then took my hands in his as he squatted next to me.
    I sent a mental thank you to Sasha who’d seemed genuinely concerned, then lifted my eyes to look at Garrett. “I’m fine, I think I need something to eat. It’s going to be a long night.”
    “I can take Sasha’s place in the interview room if you need me there.”
    I glanced at Sash who I knew was looking forward to dealing with the weres, although he was keeping his expression blank. “You know that he’ll call you if there’s a problem. You've said yourself that he and Heinrich are master interrogators. If we’re interviewing a male wolf, I’ll play good cop and if it’s a female, he’ll play—very good cop. We have it all worked out.”
    Sasha winked at me, grateful for the confidence I had in him, despite my feelings regarding his constant flirting. Garrett’s small nest had endured more horror at Eleanor’s hands than I could ever imagine. Garrett and I wanted them to feel like they were an important part of our team, hoping that they could eventually eke out a new life for themselves and put the nightmares behind them.
    Garrett nodded. ” It sounds like an excellent plan, so come inside, my love, and eat something.” He kissed me sweetly and then helped me into the kitchen where I ate two helpings of fried chicken and mashed potatoes, feeling better by the time the first weres arrived for their interviews at nine o’clock.
    We’d decided to ask the most basic questions related to the disappearances while I watched their auras and tapped into the lines to see if they were lying. Liam had taught me what to look for, so I hardly spoke at all and just let Sasha do most of the work.
    Sasha would introduce the two of us in a friendly way and then make a few bland comments or ask a few generic questions to put them at ease. With the single female weres, he’d walk back and forth to give them a good view, all the time asking them questions in his laid back sexy way and listening to their answers, rewarding them with a smile. The mated females would get a different Sasha, as he’d sit across from them and speak with a concerned look on his face, appealing to their motherly instincts for any help they could possibly give us. With all the males he’d ask his questions in a very professional manner, so none of them would feel like he was being confrontational or accusatory in any way. I’m

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