Blood & Spirits

Blood & Spirits by Dennis Sharpe

Book: Blood & Spirits by Dennis Sharpe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dennis Sharpe
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary
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only speeds up, shoving my torso down in the thick rancid liquid. With each thrust he pounds my face further into soft smelly things I have no desire to identify.
    From behind me I can feel him rubbing things he’s picked up in this putrefied depository on me and then he starts to shove them in me. I try to tell myself that this is only for a finite amount of time, and I continue to squirm back into him and moan like a good little slut.
    Only two thoughts keep running through my mind over and over. ‘Is whatever rotting disease this asshole has catching?’ and ‘how many times will I have to bathe in bleach to get his stink off of me?’
    I think I’ve finally reached my limit. Nothing else he can do will make this worse. He pulls my hair hard, arching my back, and rubs a handful of muck into my mouth.
    I groan and grind down on him and begin to gag a little on something in my mouth. Moving my tongue I realize it’s a tampon and I’m all set for killing this son-of-a-bitch when I’ve got Rachel back.
    I now understand the deal we’d made. He wasn’t looking for physical pleasure or release, he was only trying to humiliate and debase me.
    He arches back, I assume to proclaim he’s finished. He rolls back off me and I finally lose the control I’ve held over my reflex to vomit as I realize he’s left something, a part of himself, inside me.
    “Call it a tip,” he snickers, buttoning his pants and standing above me. If this guy only knew the month I was having. He only gets to be a part of why my life is sucking right now.
    Driving back to the house I do everything I can to keep my mind off of what’s been on and in me, and how long it’s going to take to clean out my car. I know I’ll keep reliving that, like it or not, but I intend to do all I can to put it out of my head. I’ll have to kill him one day. There’s no way around that.
    Paco assured me that he doesn’t have Rachel. He thinks I need to go to the Sikes Funeral Home to look for her, so I guess I have my plans for tomorrow night. He says he knows that Rachel was there a few nights ago, and might still be, according to some of his contacts on that side. He’s going to dispatch spirits he works with to ask around too and see if they can come up with any sightings of her since she was seen last at the funeral home.
    Going there is the only logical next step. I know that Lucy has gone there before to meet with other ghosts, so it really might be a great place to start.
    I’m gagging. Even with the windows down I can’t get going fast enough on these roads to vent the smell out of the car. I need his help, but this is awful.
    Right now, I’ve got to stay focused on what I’m doing. Watch the road and think about the plan.
    He says that Lucy never made it to meet with him, but with the larger than normal amount of dangerous spectral creatures working together in concert, it’s no wonder. He says he’s heard rumors of some larger malevolent entity pulling the strings of these unquiet spirits.
    I’m not sure if I believe him or not, but what he says does match up with what Lucy was telling me. I tried to read him and either he can hide his mind really well, or whatever he is keeps me from being able to get anything but ‘dead’ off of him. It makes me a little nervous, but for now, I’ll have to take his word.
    He claims that the locket Lucy gave me is a tie to her. I already wear it all the time, so that’s a step in the right direction to locating her. He did some kind of chant over it and now it’s supposedly imbued with some sort of power that makes it shinier to spirits, or something. It’s supposed to let me know when she’s close to me.
    I pull into the driveway, park, and slide out of the car. My skin is crawling all over as I walk to the back door naked. I told Paco to burn my clothes but he’ll likely hang onto them as some sick souvenir. Creepy.
    I walk into the house and pass Julie on my way upstairs. She cocks her head to

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