Blood of Dragons
in a light and airy way.  My clothes never flow around me like that.  Her eyes are golden and her legs are almost as long as I am tall.  At least, when I’m in my own body they are.  Her face, though.  There’s something I don’t trust about it.  Her golden eyes are hiding something.  Still, she is the most beautiful being I have ever seen. 
    “Are you still brooding over that girl?”  The way she says girl makes it sound like she just bit into catfish when she was expecting lemon pie.
    My brows slam together.  What is her problem?  “Um, no.”  I assume that’s what Raziel would have said.  He probably would have left out the ‘um’ though.
    She laughs the tinkling laugh of the female Angels.  Their laughs make my laugh sound like a donkey with the hiccups.  Walking to me, she places a hand on my shoulder and then lets it slide down my arm until she can take my hand in hers.  “Raziel, I know you too well for you to lie to me.”
    I don’t know what to say to her so I don’t say anything.  I do pull my hand from hers though.  I don’t care if Raziel would do that or not, I’m not comfortable with it.
    What looks like anger flashes through her eyes but it’s gone before I have a chance to confirm that’s what I saw.  I need to get rid of her before she decides to take that anger out on me.  I don’t know the rules for Angel on Angel violence.  “You know, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone.”  Oh crap.  The grammar police siren is going off in my head now.
    The Angel scowls at me.  “Raziel, are you well?”
    No.  Not at all.  “I am fine.”
    Her hand is on my arm again.  It would probably be a bit much if I shook it off so I try not to pay attention to it.  Even when she starts rubbing her hand up and down my now muscular arms.  I wish I was in this shape in my own body.  Raziel’s body is pure beauty.  A little fact I’ll neglect to mention to Kallen when I finally make it back to him. 
    She’s still touching me.  “Um, did you need something?” I ask.  I have to stop saying um.
    Now she’s offended.  She drops her hand and crosses her arms with a huff.  “Someone is in a sour mood.  May I ask what I have done to offend you so much that you shun my touch and do not desire my company?”
    I groan internally.  Please don’t let Raziel be dating her.  A strong pang of jealousy jolts through me.  Great, now I like her even less.  I’m sure that won’t make this conversation any less awkward.  “I am just having a bad day.” 
    She’s not buying it.  “Must we do this?”
    Sure, all the knowledge of the universe shoved into this brain yet I still have no idea what she’s talking about.  “Do what?”
    Her face softens and her arms fall back to her sides.  “Raziel, you know how I feel yet you continue to put me off.  You cannot spend eternity pining for someone who will never be yours.”  She moves closer.  It takes a lot of self-control not to take a step back.  “Eternity is a long time to be lonely.”  Her hand cups my cheek.  “Let me fill that empty space in your heart.”  Now her other hand is on my face too.  “We are perfect for each other.  The embodiment of beauty and knowledge, the most magical pairing of all.”
    She’s leaning in for the kiss.  Oh god, what do I do?  What would Raziel do?  Well, if she’s still trying to convince him this is a good idea and they’ve known each other since the beginning of time, I’m betting he’d say no.
    Stepping back from her while simultaneously taking her hands off my face, I say, “We have discussed this.”  I really, really hope that’s true.
    There’s that anger in her eyes again.  But this time it’s not a flittering.  It’s a bonfire happening right there in her pupils.  “You are a fool Raziel.  I am offering you what every other being would grovel for the chance to

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