Blood Moon
Blood Moon
    Book Three Of
    The Sarah Vargas Series
Heather Kuehl

    Eternal Press
A division of Damnation Books, LLC.
P.O. Box 3931
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998
    Blood Moon:
    Book Three Of The Sarah Vargas Series
by Heather Kuehl
    Digital ISBN: 978-1-61572-306-5
    Print ISBN: 978-1-61572-307-2
    Cover art by: Amanda Kelsey
Edited by: Ellen Tevault
    Copyedited by: Rose Vera Stepney
    Copyright 2011 Heather Kuehl
    Printed in the United States of America
Worldwide Electronic & Digital Rights
1st North American and UK Print Rights
    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
    Note from the Author
    Proceeds from this book will go to the MUSC Children’s Hospital in Charleston, South Carolina. It is through their hard work and dedication that children can lead full, healthy lives.
    In December 2008, my son was diagnosed with pyloric stenosis, a condition in which the muscle exiting the stomach closes and prevents nutrients from being absorbed by the body. What this meant was my son spent a good week and a half throwing up whatever he ate. He was constantly cranky and fussy, and honestly you would be too if you weren’t able to keep any food down.
    While pyloric stenosis is fatal if not treated, my husband and I were reassured over and over again by all the MUSC staff that the surgery would be a quick one and that we’d have a happy baby to bring home. At three weeks old my son underwent surgery to repair the closed muscle. He was admitted on a Wednesday and released on a Friday, the surgery taking place on a Thursday and lasting for only thirty minutes. True to their word, we had a very happy baby to bring home. The Sunday after his surgery we were blessed with his first smile.
    At the time of this book’s publication my son is two years old; happy and healthy thanks to the wonderful staff at MUSC Children’s Hospital.
    My son is just one of the hundreds of children that MUSC Children’s Hospital helps each year. Learn more about them at .

For Cameron Ronnie

I’d like to thank Robin Dade, Brian Kuehl, and Rodney Coons for their help in editing my original draft and answering questions. If I’m ever stuck and need to vent, you guys are always there to listen. Thank you.

Chapter One
    It was a good thing Donavan confiscated my weapons.
    I shook with anger, doing my damnedest not to give away my newly acquired talent for changing into my wolf form without the aid of a full moon. Donavan wouldn’t understand, would ask me to explain, but even I didn’t fully understand it. Damian insisted that this side effect of me drinking his blood was temporary. However he didn’t feel what I did. I could feel the power from his blood coursing through my veins, keeping me strong. It wasn’t fading. It was attaching itself to my very being. The super strength and speed I could write off as being a werewolf. The changing whenever would probably get me shoved into a lab somewhere with scientists thinking that I was the missing link to curing the Were virus. Right now, I was caring less and less about the repercussions. Changing and ripping Donavan’s face off was looking like the best idea ever.
    I positioned myself between my Romi, or Clan alpha, and my vampire mentor. Like hell I was going to let Donavan kill Dom, especially over something that wasn’t his fault. My hands balled up into fists with nails drawing blood from my palms.
    “Sarah, if you’ll move,

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