Blood Love (God Wars Book 4)

Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) by Connie Suttle

Book: Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) by Connie Suttle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Suttle
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damn difficult.
    Kay was speaking to me coherently for the first time ever, and all I wanted to do was hold her, kiss her—and a few other things.
    "Come with me this morning, and you can talk to Breanne over breakfast."
    "All right. Do I have clothes here?" she looked around, completely lost. She had little memory of her past few months at SouthStar.
    "Sweetheart, your clothes are in the closet here," I walked over and tapped on the door leading into the rather large space. "Your bathroom is connected; all you have to do is walk through it."
    "You're so tall," she sighed.
    "Trajan's taller," I grinned.
    "That really tall man?"
    "Yes. That really tall man. He'll be there with Breanne and Bill. And a few others, too. Nobody will hurt you, I can promise that."
    * * *
    Kay's Journal
    His blue eyes seemed kind enough, and his words sounded true enough, but with my history and Kalia's memories swimming in my head, how could I trust him? Breanne, though—I couldn't explain my feelings on what she'd accomplished for me. If I trusted anyone for the first time, it would be her.
    "I'll get dressed," I hunched my shoulders at the thought of going to breakfast with so many there to stare. Most of my life had been spent having meals alone. Kalia's life, on the other hand, had been spent in a fishbowl, with everyone staring and passing critical judgments on even the slightest movements.
    "I'll wait out here for you," Ashe promised and settled on the side of my bed. I looked down at the pajamas I wore—they were blue with tiny pinstripes running through them. I sighed and walked toward the closet door.
    * * *
    Breanne's Journal
    Corent would have spent all morning in the shower with me if he'd thought he might get away with it. I had no idea what to do about that, but there was no hiding the fact that he loved me—he kept saying it and following those words with a kiss.
    Did he know that even a kiss from him made me want to crawl all over him and beg for more? It must be the way the fae were made. Thank goodness he was only half-fae—if he were pureblood, I might never get out of bed.
    "It is the way we have with our mates," he smiled down at me while toweling me off. "Our true mates," he added. "I have never gotten this before with anyone. I imagined that as a half-fae, it was not my due."
    "You appear to be making up for lost time," I muttered, staring at his chest. Corent was well-made, and the work he did in the orchards on Le-Ath Veronis ensured that he had plenty of muscle beneath smooth, golden skin.
    "I would breathe you in and hold you inside me if I could," he chuckled, his hair turning a royal blue. I understood that to mean he was happy. Or that there were very few clouds in the sky. It could go either way.
    "Now," he said, "I am hearing from Trajan that we are expected at breakfast quickly, so as to not disappoint Kay. We will dress swiftly and arrive on time."
    We did arrive on time, and found a crowd waiting. Corent and I barely had time to settle on barstools around the massive island before Kay and Ashe arrived.
    Kay immediately came to my side and settled on the empty stool on my right, with Ashe sitting beside her.
    "How are you this morning?" I asked. You'd have thought the sun hadn't been turned on until she smiled at me.
    "I feel good," she said. "Better than I can remember."
    "Good. Are you ready to eat? Fes and Bill are cooking, so whatever you get will be amazing." I reached out and tucked a long, silky strand of black hair behind an ear; it kept trying to cloud her face.
    "What are you eating?" Bright, blue eyes blinked into mine.
    "Honey, I'm vegetarian. Corent is, too. This is Corent; he's half Green Fae." I introduced Corent to her. "He can grow trees and the best fruit anywhere."
    "Is everybody here vegetarian?" She sounded worried.
    "Ask those werewolves over there," I grinned at her. She blinked at me in surprise.
    "It's nothing to worry about," I sent a bit of Love to her. "Nobody here wants to hurt

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