
Blindside by Jayden Alexander

Book: Blindside by Jayden Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayden Alexander
    “I don’t want it. I don’t know how or why I got it. I don’t want it back.” She reached for him, a quick feverish motion. The vials he’d carried against his chest gleamed in her hand.
    “So do it.” A quick pop when she snapped the cap to expose a short needle.
    Heat flowed under his hands. “You want to shoot up, I’m not going to stop you.”
    Her fist trembled around the syringe, rain falling on the glass like tears. “That’s why you’re back, isn’t it? You’re the hero. I’m the villain of this piece.”
    He shook his head, and in the screaming silence, knocked away the vial.
    Crazy and pure and powerful, and for the moment, the only thing that felt right. She couldn’t pull away, couldn’t do anything but hunger for his mouth. Need, that greedy, clawing beast, electrified her skin.
    “You’re hurt,” he muttered between breaths then left her mouth and dusted her jaw with quick erotic kisses.
    “I don’t care.” She didn’t understand this wildfire of need. His mouth alternated between brutal and tender, his taste as potent as it was destructive, a decadent fiery drug.
    “We can’t.” A world of need in those two words.
    She had to have him, his taste, his skin. The barrier of clothing made her whimper. “Tell me to stop.” She pushed his coat down and reveled in those broad, tensed shoulders. “Tell me we aren’t doing this.”
    She needed everything—shudder of his heart, his body rippling beneath her.
    “Lana.” A curse and prayer. She didn’t care which. “God, I can’t think.”
    “Say you don’t want this.” She dragged his mouth down to hers, taking the words away, taking away the doubt. This was darkness and passion, without thought, without regret. “Tell me to go.”
    “I can’t lose you again.” Harsh words, his hands cupping Lana’s neck to hold her steady. He crushed her against the glass to fit his body against hers.
    Wild, she feasted on his lips, hunger driving her up, closer, unable to get close enough. The floor dropped out from beneath her because Mac wrapped her thighs around his hips and took them up. The window cool against her back, she clung to him between the floor and the vaulted ceiling.
    He tore away to bury his lips in the curve her neck, his stubble an erotic scrape over sensitized nerve endings. “I’ve wanted you since I’ve met you. God knows, I tried to stay away.”
    “I need you. Now.” That last word ended with a groan because he found the hollow of her throat, scalding her with open-mouthed kisses, moving up to her face, teasing her ear. Shaking, she fumbled for her zipper, baring her shoulders and the Kevlar to his fevered gaze.
    He pressed his lips against the edge of hard green plastic. “Thank fucking God.” And with trembling hands he pulled apart the Velcro.
    Another beat of silence.
    Not sure what she could say, or if she had any words left. No choice but to allow Mac to look his fill, his gaze caught between worship and desire. She pushed his T-shirt up over his torso, flattening her palms over his chest.
    Skin on skin, his beautiful chest mapped with old scars and fresh bruises. Later, when this heat spent, she would explore each line, hear every story.
    Pressing her to the glass, he used that wicked mouth on her breast. “God. Lana.”
    “Don’t make me wait.” She wanted to feast on him, feel his skin against hers, his heartbeat pounding under her fingers.
    Rough hands traced up over her back, her breasts, her shoulders, a sensual caress fueling the fire in her veins. A quick tug at her pants left her naked, bare to hot friction of skin.
    A groan; she didn’t know which one of them owned the desperate sound.
    He slid her up against the glass, his lips cruising between the valley of her breasts, over the clenched planes of her belly. She shivered when he circled her navel.
    “Now. I need you now, Mac.”
    His breath caressed her most sensitive skin. Wild, she thought she’d die of

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