Blind Impulse

Blind Impulse by Kathryn Loch

Book: Blind Impulse by Kathryn Loch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Loch
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balanced and his blows sound.  Geoff arched an eyebrow in appreciation.  “Alyna, you are wise beyond your years.”
    “ Aye,” Simon said.  “I should have thought of this.”
    “ As should I,” her father said. 
    They fell silent and watch ed Garin pummel the practice dummy.  He was a fine knight and his blows were clean and accurate even without his sight.  In fact, Simon used the opportunity as training for the men.  Having them note Garin’s stance and balance and how he was able to predic t the swing of the dummy. 
    Alyna expected Garin to work awhile then stop.  She frowned when his blows continued.  Slowly, she began to realize why her father said a weapon should never be lifted in anger.  Fury still twisted Garin’s expression.  Something within him had changed.  He moved away from the gentle man she knew and closer to the raving lunatic her father had mentioned.
    Still his sword rose and fell, hacking at the dummy as if it were the epitome of everything evil and dark.  Garin, his great str ength and stamina still not fully recovered from his fever, began to fade, his grunts became gasps for air.  Sweat soaked through his tunic, plastering it to his chest.
    Alyna’s horror grew.  Garin still didn’t stop although he found it harder and harder to lift the sword.  His legs were unsteady and he looked about ready to collapse.  This might even bring the return of the fever.  Alyna stepped forward.
    Her father’s hand latched on her arm.  “Nay, Alyna, let him finish this.”
    She stared up at him, certain he had lost his mind.  The sun was at its zenith, the heat of the day awful.  “Father, make him stop.  I do not want him to fall ill again.”
    Geoff shook his head.  “Garin must finish this.”
    Well, that made absolutely no sense.  Was her father still mad at Garin for throwing the chair?  Maybe he saw this as a form of punishment.  Alyna could not stand by and watch Garin drive himself into the ground.  She stepped forward again but her father hauled her back.
    “ Leave him be.”
    “ He’s going to hurt himself.”
    “ Aly na, you started this.  Now you have to see the results of your actions.”
    “ If you’re doing this to punish me then stop it.  Garin should not pay for my mistake.”
    Simon returned and frowned down at her.  “What’s wrong?”
    “ I don’t think she truly understands,” her father said.
    “ Few women do even if they were raised by a knight,” Simon replied with a smile.
    “ Are you both insane?  Garin will kill himself at this rate.”
    As if to add credence to her words.  Garin dropped to his knees.  His exhaustion was so great t hat his stomach rebelled and he retched miserably.
    Again, Alyna tried to step forward but her father’s hand tightened like a vice on her arm.  “Not yet.”
    Garin stopped retching and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and slowly rose.  To her horror h e lifted the sword again and returned to beating the dummy.  His face was gray and his jaw set firmly.  The cords in his neck stood out with the effort he exerted.  He was pushing himself too far.
    Unable to watch any more, Alyna turned her back, tears gath ering in her eyes.  What was wrong with these men?  Couldn’t they see what Garin was doing to himself?
    “ Alyna, listen to me,” her father said.  “Your instincts were right to bring him here but you obviously don’t know why.  Can’t you see that Garin is no l onger beating the servant in his mind’s eye?  He is fighting himself.”
    She looked up at him, tears trickling down her cheeks.  “Then he can only lose.”
    Her father shook his head.  “Nay, Alyna, the outcome is still not decided.”
    Even though she was no longe r watching she heard Garin’s grunt and then the thunk of the sword as it hit the dummy.  Both were slower and not as strong.  There was a louder thud as Garin fell to the ground and started retching again.  She clapped her hands over her

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