Blind Her With Bliss
any man, let alone Jason, relieved her on several levels. Julie wasn’t sure she could be with someone who slept with her one night and his frat brother the next. Or more shocking—both of them at the same time. She flushed at the thought, ignoring the desire the mental image aroused. “So then the question becomes if neither one of you went through the hassle of transferring the digital image to a video tape, who else knew about the recordings?”

    “Well, only a few people even know I installed the camera.” Elvis held up his hand, counting on his fingers. “Me. Jason. Damon. My head bartender and my partner.”

    “Maura knows about the camera?” Damon looked shocked.

    “Yeah, I hardly think it’s fair I tape our business meetings without her knowledge.”

    Julie puffed out indignation. “But sexual conquests don’t tweak your moral gauge?”

    Elvis rolled his eyes at her naiveté before turning back to Damon. “You think Maura knowing about the camera is something to be concerned about?”

    “Her name just keeps popping up,” Damon said.

    “Yeah, well, she is my partner,” Elvis replied.

    “And Jason’s doctor.” Julie added.

    “That’s how we met initially.” Elvis’ face betrayed no emotion. “ Jase had been seeing her for about seven years before she bought into…” His head swiveled and caught Damon’s eye, color once again rising in his face. “Before she bought into the business .” His Adam’s apple jumped with the last word.

    “There’s something about Jason and Maura you two are not telling me and I want to know what it is right now.” Julie’s tone left no room for discussion. Both men turned to each other and nodded in resignation.

    Crap . From the somber look on their faces, Julie wasn’t sure she really wanted to know the truth.

    * * * *

    “I wish I hadn’t let you talk me into leaving my cell phone at home tonight,” Julie whispered as she and Damon followed Elvis into the bowels of Starry Knights. “I feel naked without it.”

    “Your family can live without you for a few hours.”

    “But I should have called my mother before we left the house. She won’t know why I’m not answering.”

    Damon wrapped his arm around her waist. “Will it be so awful if she figures out you’re with me?” His lips grazed the shell of her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

    Elvis stopped at the last door in the hall of the basement. He turned and smiled. “Here we are.”

    Embarrassment burned in Julie’s cheeks, and she nudged Damon away. “And where is that exactly?” she asked, smoothing her hands down her sides.

    Keying in a code to yet another number pad, Elvis spoke, “My secret lair.”

    Apprehension squeezed the air from Julie’s lungs.

    “He’s kidding, Julie.” Damon smiled at her before turning to Elvis. “Tell her you’re kidding, Elvis.”

    “Julie can be the judge of that.” Elvis pushed the door open. “Welcome to Knights in Paradise dot com .”

    Julie wasn’t sure what she’d see behind the door, but this den of iniquity and fantasy hadn’t even pinged her sonar. The television studio they entered had two live sexual performances unfolding before her. Everywhere she turned, scantily clad or naked women roamed. Men leaned against the walls, chatting amicably while nonchalantly stroking their erections. What the hell?

    “Mind your step, Julie.” Elvis pointed to the floor and stepped over the mass of television cables snaking their way around the room. “This is live, so keep your voices down,” He pointed to the control center against one wall. “Let me take you over here. It will give you a better idea of how this works.”

    “Did you know this is where he was bringing us?” Julie asked Damon through clenched teeth.

    “Elvis has wanted me to visit this place on countless occasions,” Damon said. “But up until

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