Blessed (The Dark Billionaire, #7)
Chapter One
    The sun was high in the sky and Jennifer could hear seagulls in the distance. The wind was blowing in her hair and on her face. It was a magnificent caress from Mother Nature on that very special day and maybe, Jennifer thought, a blessing from a higher power.
    She closed her eyes and remembered everything; the first years as Bruce’s assistant and her struggle to keep up with his expectations; the long nights at the office sacrificing her time and her energy for a boss that didn’t seem to know what gratitude and appreciation meant; the dreaded Sunday nights spent worrying about what problems would arise during the week; the paychecks that seemed so big at first but that she had to earn by working more than anybody she knew; the uncertainty about her career and her future, stuck at a dead-end job.
    And then, things changed. Jennifer thought about the trip she had planned to go to Thailand alone. She remembered how angry and frustrated she had been when she had realized that her passport had been expired. Life could be so tricky. What sometimes seemed like a roadblock was in fact a stepping stone to something greater. Jennifer would have never imagined that her mistake that day would have completely changed her life.
    What would have happened if she hadn’t forgotten to renew her passport as she was supposed to? Would she be happy? Would she have a boyfriend? Would she still be an assistant?
    Or maybe things could have changed during her trip in Thailand. She could have met someone on a white and deserted beach and fallen in love. He could have been from anywhere: Europe, Latin America, Africa or Asia. Who knew?
    Instead, she had decided to teach Bruce a lesson. Jennifer realized how bold and crazy she had been. Why had she decided to do that? Would she have the guts to do it again? Probably not. Jennifer had gained a lot of maturity and wisdom, and she knew she would never do it again. But did she regret it? Absolutely not. In fact, it had probably been the best decision of her life.
    By deciding to become Aleksandra, Jennifer had changed her destiny forever. She and Bruce had learned to know each other, and even to have feelings for one another. Of course, these feelings had been there for a long time already, buried somewhere deep within their souls, but the passion had always been there, Jennifer realized.
    Bruce had surprised her on more than one occasion but the craziest thing they had done - the first in a long list to come - was to have oral sex at the opera. Jennifer could still remember the powerful butterflies in her belly when she sucked Bruce’s dick for the first time. She had never admitted it to him, but she had never had such a huge cock. He was impressive and she had been both scared and excited.
    And then came their first intercourse, on that very same beach where she was standing right now. It had been a night of incredible passion and sexual bliss. Jennifer wasn’t virgin at the time but she could easily consider that night to be her very first time. It had been that good. It was like Jennifer had never known anything before Bruce - nothing worth remembering, at least.
    That night, Jennifer lost her job and thought she had lost Bruce as well. Words couldn’t describe how desperate she had been. Once again, Bruce had surprised her by revealing that he knew everything and couldn’t live without her.
    Since that day, a lot had happened between them. A lot of things could have potentially destroyed their relationship and their love for one another. But nothing had successfully pulled them apart. Nothing and no one. Jennifer had almost lost Bruce on several occasions. In two years, they had experienced more than most people in their entire lives. It had been a roller coaster of emotions and adventures, of new discoveries and new sensations. But Jennifer was grateful for the tremendous opportunity to grow as a woman, as a businessperson and as a lover. She felt like she was more fulfilled and

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