Blaze Wyndham
goblet and joined his relative.
    “What, uncle? Not upstairs enjoying the favors of that tasty little sweetmeat I brought you?” Anthony grinned lecherously.
    “My many years have taught me, nephew, that a man cannot force a horse to water, nor an unwilling woman to his will,” was the droll reply.
    “ She refused you? ” The younger man sat up, looking aghast. “She is your wife, and you her lord.”
    Edmund Wyndham laughed. “Have you ever known me to force a woman, Tony? She is young, frightened, and a virgin. Until several hours ago she didn’t even know what I looked like. She wants to be courted.”
    “ Courted? ”
    “Aye, courted.”
    “But you’re already wed!”
    “Because a man is married doesn’t mean he should cease to court his wife. I must live with Blaze until death parts us, which I trust will not be for many years. How we begin will determine the course of our lives together. Should I destroy our chance for happiness to satisfy a moment’s lust? God and his Blessed Mother forbid it! Blaze wants a little time to know me, and she is right. I intend giving it to her.” He drank deeply from the goblet.
    “I do not understand you, Edmund. You mourned Cathy a full year, during which time you did not to my knowledge lie with any woman. You then immediately sought for a new wife. You even hurried the wedding day in order to soothe the nerves of your people. I still do not believe you have had a woman. Now this lovely creature is wed with you, and you will not lie with her because it does not suit her. Will you not spoil her with such indulgence, and lead her to believe that it is she who wears the breeches in this family?”
    “You do not understand women, Tony. Blaze is here, and that is the important thing for my people. Whether I bed her tonight, or few weeks hence, will make no difference to anyone but ourselves. You have never had a serious relationship with a woman in your life. You do not comprehend that a wife cannot be treated like a common whore. Blaze would get to know me before she gives herself to me. She has denied me nothing, but rather pleaded her case quite well.”
    “God’s foot! You’re already besotted with the little creature, but let me warn you, Edmund, that I have seen a side of your bride that I hope you will not soon see. She has quite a temper for such a small thing.”
    “Aye, I expect that she does, for most women do. Did she turn that temper upon you when you lectured her about her duties to produce an heir for me?” His brown eyes were twinkling with amusement.
    “ She told you that? ” Anthony was surprised.
    “Aye, she told me. She was very outraged, for it seems that everyone has been preaching to her of her duty toward me since our betrothal became official. She was willing to take such instructions from her family and her priest, but I’m afraid she did not consider it your place, Tony. I should like to see her in anger!” He chuckled.
    “I’m going home,” said Anthony, disgusted. “There’s a moon to light my way, and I suppose I had best see Mother before tomorrow. She will be mightily curious about my new aunt .”
    “Tell Doro that Blaze and I will receive Father Martin’s blessing before our people upon the church steps at eleven o’clock tomorrow morning. I would like her there. Will your father be well enough to come?”
    “If it does not rain or grow damp, he should be fine,” said Anthony. “How I dread the coming winter! I have never seen Father so crippled up as he was last winter. Yet he is so brave. He rarely complains.”
    “Your father is not a young man any longer. He is close to sixty, Tony, and he has never been strong of limb. I am surprised that he has survived this long. It is a tribute to Dorothy’s determination, for she has loved your father her whole life. That’s the kind of love I would have develop between myself and Blaze. Can you understand that?”
    Anthony Wyndham arose from his chair. “Aye, Edmund, I

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