Blackthorne, Fiona - Moonstruck [Blue Moon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Blackthorne, Fiona - Moonstruck [Blue Moon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Fiona Blackthorne

Book: Blackthorne, Fiona - Moonstruck [Blue Moon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Fiona Blackthorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Blackthorne
go by what you’re telling me, all I would have to do to be safe is to leave Blue Moon.”
    “Yes,” Father Edlow agreed. “They could not follow you outside of our borders.”
    Silence fell on the three of them as Ava leaned back against Declan. He buried his face in her hair and tightened his arms around her waist. It was a simple, logical solution. So, why did she have this terrible feeling that she was going to be stupid and not take the one chance she had to escape.
    “What happens if I stay?” she asked finally.
    “That’s not for me to say,” Father Edlow replied. “I’ve told you the risks. What you choose is up to you. And now,” he added, getting to his feet. “You’ll excuse me, but I have a few things that need doing before I head over to the hospital.”
    “The hospital?” Ava asked.
    “I serve as their chaplain on Tuesdays and Fridays,” he said, smiling. “But, you should know this church is always open. I never lock the doors. If you need shelter or protection, St. Mary’s is always here for you.”
    “Thank you, Father,” Ava said, standing up and shaking his hand. She watched him disappear through a door to the side of the altar then turned to Declan. “So what else do I need to know? I know there’s something about the wolves you need to tell me, and I need to see Grace, whoever that is.”
    Declan nuzzled her ear, dropping little kisses along the shell of it and nearly making her forget that she had any questions at all. She was melting against him, her heart racing as his rough fingers traced her jaw.
    “Grace is our librarian,” he whispered. “She’s sick with some bad migraines right now and isn’t at work. We’ll go see her when she gets well.”
    He brushed his lips against hers, the lightest of kisses that left her practically ready to pounce him for more. He chuckled against her mouth.
    “As for the wolves,” he said softly. “Well, you’ll find out all about that soon enough.”
    “Not now?” Ava asked in a voice strangled by the surges of heat and desire she felt.
    “Now, there’s something I’d like to show you.”
    She felt a thrill of anticipation run through her body at the dark pleasure his words promised. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet.
    “Give me your keys,” he said.
    “What? Why?”
    “Because we’re taking your car, unless you want to leave it at the General Store all day, and maybe all night.”
    She shivered at the implication, her need for him rising and rearing. Together, they ran through the rain to her car, and they laughed as Declan had to scoot the driver’s seat all the way back to fit in. He pulled out and drove back down Long Road, then turned off onto an unmarked driveway just before West Road.
    “Wait, is this the road to your house?” she asked, feeling like she recognized the drive a little bit.
    “Yes,” he replied, smiling. “But, we’re not going to the house.”
    “We’re not?”
    “What I want to show you isn’t there.”
    Ava sat back, mystified and intrigued, wondering exactly where they were going to go and what he was going to show her.
    “Your car needs a wheel alignment,” he said, pulling up to a huge, long, wooden barn.
    “Poor Mimi,” Ava said. “All the Boston potholes have taken their toll.”
    “Sean will take care of this for you in his shop. Stay here a minute.”
    She watched as he parked the car then got out in the rain and ran over to the huge barn doors. The building had to be at least four hundred feet long, and it looked like it was divided into two. He pulled open one of the barn doors just wide enough for them to squeeze through then came back over to the car and helped her out. She was so touched as she realized that he had done this to protect her from getting more wet from the rain, and her heart warmed and expanded.
    Unfortunately, her warm heart wasn’t enough to keep the rest of her warm, and she shivered as she stepped into the dark barn. The floor was packed

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