Black Wings MC: The Novel (Motorcycle Club Romance)

Black Wings MC: The Novel (Motorcycle Club Romance) by Kendra Payne Page A

Book: Black Wings MC: The Novel (Motorcycle Club Romance) by Kendra Payne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Payne
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    He was at the headquarters for about six hours before he came back home. As soon as he walked in the door, I could smell liquor on his breath when he began talking to me. ‘Is it going to be like this all of the time?’ I wondered to myself. I hated him coming home late and smelling like booze all the time. I sat on the couch, pretending to watch TV since I was still mad at him; especially now since he was drunk again.
    Derek made an unsuccessful attempt to seduce me by running his hand under my shirt. I slapped his hand away and said “Not right now”. He had a look of disbelief in his eyes. ‘Good’ , I thought to myself. Now he’ll know what it’s like to be denied and turned down—not that he ever turned me down sexually, but he always chose the MC over me any day. I stood up and began walking to the bedroom, refusing to talk to him anymore.
    “ Tara! Why won’t you talk to me?” he asked as he followed me up the stairs.
    “ Because you’re drunk. Again!”
    “ I just want to talk to you damn it! Come back here!” he shouted at me. I was beginning to see that the alcohol could turn him into an asshole.
    “ I’ll talk to you in the morning when you’re not drunk anymore!” I yelled back at him as I slammed the bedroom door in his face.
    It must have pissed him off pretty good because after that, he headed back downstairs and slept on the sofa for the night. I lied awake in bed for hours before I could fall asleep so I knew that he never tried to come back in. All I could think about was how our future together would be. In my mind, I kept seeing him walking out on me and the baby; constantly choosing the MC over his family. I was not going to allow that to happen. My child deserved a father who always put him or her first. We were going to have a serious talk in the morning.
    When I finally woke up the next morning, he was busy in the kitchen making us bacon and eggs. The coffee smelled welcoming but I was still mad.
    “ Good morning” he said softly, as if he was trying to judge whether or not I was still angry.
    “ Morning” I sharply replied.
    “ I’m making us breakfast. Are you hungry?”
    “ A little, I guess.” I still wasn’t in the mood for conversation. I continued watching him cook our breakfast until he finally broke the silence.
    “ I know you’re mad at me but I just don’t know why.” He said flatly.
    “ You don’t know why? You ALWAYS choose the MC over me. You won’t ever listen to me and you stay out drinking with the club all night.”
    “ I’ll try to make things better” he said as he kissed my forehead. “I didn’t know my staying out late or drinking bothered you. I’ll try to be more mindful.”
    “ Whatever.” I said as I chewed on my bacon. I was annoyed with him from the moment that I woke up. His half-hearted promises didn’t make me feel any better because I knew he was always going to choose the club over me. It was their code; bros before hoes.
    “ I know you’re mad but I have to start getting ready to head to Mexico to meet with Miguel. Will you help me get some clothes ready while I take care of business before we head out?”
    “ I guess” I said with a sigh.
    I finished my breakfast and headed upstairs to pack Shadow’s clothes. As I pulled the suitcase from his closet, some pictures fell onto the floor. Curious as to what they were, I picked them up and walked over to the bed with them. As I sat on the bed and straightened them, I noticed that they were pictures of me—and pictures of us together. Apparently, some of the guys had snapped some photos of us together at the bonfire; the first night that we met. That was also the first night that I began to fall in love with this hunk of man that was all mine now. I sifted through the pictures with a huge grin plastered all over my face. I wondered why he hadn’t shared them with me.
    When he came back

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