Black Pearl

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Book: Black Pearl by Tiffany Patterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Patterson
Tags: Black Burlesque
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conference room.
    She greeted him. “Hi Jeff. I’m sitting in for Andre. He’s been swamped this week, so he asked me to attend and take notes for him.”
    “Oh, that’s fine. Guess he’s still busy catching up from being away,” he said as he placed a hand on her arm.
    “That was some gala last weekend. I’ve been meaning to tell you it was great. You may have a future in event planning.” He laughed as he stepped closer. Devyn smiled.
    “I don’t think so, but thank you for the compliment. It was a team effort.”
    Devyn and Jeff talked for a few more minutes as a number of other Excel employees filed into the room, including Nikola. He was dressed in another perfectly tailored suit. This one was a shimmery silver matched with a sky blue shirt, that matched the color of his eyes. Devyn had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning. Nikola looked directly at her, skimming his gaze over her burgundy leather pencil skirt that stopped just beneath her knees, and white blouse. His gaze stopped at Jeff’s hand that still rested on her arm, before he turned and walked to the head of the room.
    “Boss man’s here. Guess it’s time to get started,” Jeff said bringing Devyn out of her thoughts. Devyn nodded. “Right.”
    Grabbing her iPad to take notes of the meeting she opted to sit at the back of the table. This was a meeting on the new marketing strategy and the projected revenue it would bring in. Devyn paid close attention as each person spoke, to provide Andre with detailed notes. When Nikola stood to talk at the end of the meeting, she found herself shifting in her seat, uncrossing and re-crossing her legs. She thought she was being discreet, but when she looked up, she saw Nikola looking directly at her with a spark of desire. Clearing his throat he got back on task. Devyn glanced around to see if anyone noticed the brief exchange, but everyone either had their heads down taking notes or was squarely focused on Nikola’s commanding presence.
    Devyn took the time to allow her gaze to roam over his face and body. With his hands in his pockets, speaking with ease, standing in front of the conference room window he looked poised to take on the world. She let her mind wander and thought about all the ways he could control her body. She grew heated. Trying not to cause another distraction, she dipped her head and refocused on her note taking. After another fifteen minutes the meeting finally ended. She figured she would wait a little to let everyone file out of the room. She organized her notes and emailed them to herself and Andre, before closing her iPad and standing. As she strutted towards the door, she felt a hand on her arm. Turning she saw Jeff.
    “Hey Devyn, I was wondering if you could make some time for me on Andre’s schedule. I’d really like to go over this with him in person.”
    Devyn nodded. “Sure, let me pull up his calendar.” Devyn and Jeff went over a good time to meet with Andre, before she closed her iPad case again and walked out.
    With her back to him, Devyn didn’t notice as Jeff’s eyes roamed over her backside, but Nikola did.

Chapter 17
    Nikola looked up hearing the knock on his office door.
    “Hi, Connie said you wanted to see me?” Devyn questioned, standing at his door. After the meeting Nikola had Connie, his new temporary assistant, call down to Devyn’s desk to come to his office. When he entered the conference room and saw Jeff standing so close to her with his hand on her arm he was barely able to control himself. After the meeting, seeing Jeff ogle Devyn as she walked away had him seeing red. He knew it was ridiculous to be jealous, but he couldn’t help it. He thought after finally having her, his desire would lessen.
    The opposite had happened. He wanted her day and night now. The fact that it’d been nearly a week since he was last inside her, was driving him crazy. He made plans to take her out to dinner tonight and spend the rest of the night

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