Black: Part 1

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Book: Black: Part 1 by Kelly Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Harper
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glance down at her exposed legs.
    “But, you’re not wearing any pants…”
    She swats at me, playfully.
    “You know what I mean. Guys just tell girls what they think they want to hear.”
    I drop the playful smile and give her a serious look, shifting ever so slightly closer to her, again.
    “Do I look like a guy that has to lie to get what he wants?”
    Her eyes widen. She’s caught off guard by the sudden intensity of my stare.
    “No,” she says. It comes out weak and uncertain.
    I lean in even closer. We’re only a breath apart, now. Her breathing intensifies, as though she was expecting me to kiss her right then and there. But I don’t. I stop short, keeping my composure.
    “What kind of guy do I look like?” I ask in a low whisper.
    She licks her lips. I can almost feel her pulse quickening with each little breath she takes.
    “Like a guy who gets what he wants.”
    The corners of my lips tug into a smirk. I nod, slowly, letting my eyes fall to her lips. They glisten with what’s left of her gloss. I’m going to enjoy tasting her.
    “And do you know what it is that I want right now?”
    She shakes her head back and forth. Strands of her blonde hair fall in front of her eyes as she looks at me, expectantly.
    “What do you want?” she asks, innocently.
    The moment is intense. My tongue edges over my bottom lip, slowly. I let her question linger, unanswered. The world fades away around us. In this moment, we’re the only two people that exist.
    My pants are already tightening as my cock begins expanding, but I’m not quite ready to take her, yet. The answer I give her is probably not the one she’s expecting. What would be the fun in that?
    “I want you…” I pause for a beat, enjoying making her writhe with anticipation, “…to dance for me.”

Chapter 3

    The girl lets out a loud moan as I pump myself further and further into her. My hands wrap around her tiny waist, pulling her down onto me, forcing her ass deeper and deeper into my crotch as I thrust into her as strongly as I can.
    Her ass looks perfect from this angle, bent over the sidearm of the couch. Her back arches and she waggles her hips back and forth in tiny circles. She knows exactly what she’s doing. When she looks back at me I can still see the lust raging in her eyes. She presses her weight back into me, pulling my cock farther inside of her. The look in her eye makes me wonder if she’s ever wanted someone as much as she wants me right now.
    She’d been eager to dance for me, earlier. But she’d barely made it a whole minute before she’d begun undoing my belt buckle. Her panties had been soaked through before I’d even touched her for the first time. And as I fuck her deeper and deeper, her pussy is still gushing for me.
    “Fuck me like that, baby. Just like that!” she cries out.
    I clench my jaw, fighting down annoyance. I’ll fuck her the way I want—I don’t need instructions.
    My hands squeeze even tighter and I press all of my weight into her. I slam her so hard that her arms wobble from the force. I do it, again.
    And then again.
    Her arms finally give way and she cries out in pleasure as I bend her even farther over the side of the couch. Her feet aren’t even touching the ground anymore as I plunge myself into her. My cock drills into her, like it’s trying to pin her down to the couch.
    Between thrusts, I stare down at her ass, admiringly. It’s so round and perfect—one of the nicest asses I’ve ever seen. My hand flies back and then comes down hard against it, letting out a loud crack as I enjoy the way her ass cheeks shake from the slap.
    She cries out in delight, again. She’s the freaky kind of girl that will enjoy anything I do to her.
    “Spank me, Daddy, I’ve been a bad girl.”
    I spank her, again. Harder this time. A red palm print surfaces on her ass cheek. She squeals in delight and writhes her hips back and forth. Another girl with daddy issues . How original. Well, if she wants

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