to my charms so easily sends my heart racing, even though it’s exactly what I knew she would do.
I lead her further down the winding hallway until we come to a final closed door. Anticipation builds inside of me as I slide a card through the magnetic reader on the door and punch a four-digit code into the keypad. Her eyes are on me the whole time, watching me, intently. I can almost imagine what she’s thinking, what she’s fantasizing about.
But whatever tantalizing thoughts are going through her head in that moment are quickly washed away when I open the door and reveal the luxurious room, beyond. Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open as she steps past me and into the room. I stay close behind her, allowing the door to shut when we’re both inside.
“Wow…” she exhales, excitedly. She makes her way around the room, touching and admiring everything she passes.
“You like it?” I ask.
“Everything looks so expensive.”
If she only knew…
“Money can’t buy class.”
“But it can buy a lot…”
She smiles up at me with a devious little look in her eye. The subtext is obvious, but it doesn’t come as any surprise to me. She’s the kind of girl that would be open to a quid-pro-quo type of arrangement. And if she’d met me a few months earlier, I might have even entertained the idea of one.
“How about we start with another drink,” I suggest, not giving her the satisfaction of responding directly to her suggestion. “Another vodka martini?”
She gives a quick look at the ground, as though embarrassed, then gives me a quick smile and nod as she brushes strands of her blonde hair back behind one ear. I set out two martini glasses on the minibar while she continues looking around my private sanctuary—the place where I do all of my dark deeds.
Well… most of them.
Chapter 2
She takes one of the martinis from me as I settle onto the black, leather couch next to her. Our eyes remain locked on each other as we take our first drinks. The vodka is expensive, and goes down like water. It’s almost a shame that she’s so distracted by me that she probably doesn’t even notice.
“So, is this where you bring all of the girls?” she asks, after lowering her glass.
“Only the special ones.”
A smile spreads across her face—now that we’re alone, she’s not even trying to play it cool, anymore.
“I’m special?”
“You’re hot.”
She rolls her eyes, but in a playful way.
“That’s all you got?”
I lean in closer to her, until there’s less than six inches between us.
“That’s why you’re here,” I say, flatly.
“I’m here because I’m hot?”
I let my gaze fall down over her body, taking all of her in. Her large tits expand as she sucks in a breath. I fight back an urge to take them in my hands, and then into my mouth.
“You’re here because I knew the moment I saw you walk into my club that I had to have you.” My eyes return to hers and I give her an intense look. “And I’m a man who gets what he wants.”
She chews on her lips, the rest of her body fixed in place. I hold my intense stare for another long moment before pulling away to take another drink of my martini. The doughy look in her eye lets me know that I’ve got her right where I want her. I could take her right here and now, if I wanted. But I’m not in any rush—where’s the fun in that?
She takes another long drink of her vodka before saying anything.
“So, you really do own the club?” she asks, sounding genuinely surprised.
“Does it matter?”
She shrugs.
“I just thought that was some kind of line or something. Rich guys don’t usually go for a girl like me—my friends are way hotter.”
For a moment, I can almost believe her. But I know that’s exactly what she wants.
“Are you going to tell all of your friends about me?”
“They’ll just think you’re lying. Guys will say anything to get in a girl’s pants.”
I give her a cocky smile and give a quick
Russell Kirkpatrick
Matt Kaplan
Tad Williams
Berengaria Brown
Matt Christopher
Michael Bronski
Mallory Crowe
Joyee Flynn
Louis Begley