Black Listed

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Book: Black Listed by Shelly Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Bell
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else found me.”
    Sawyer joined their little tête-à-tête, puffing out his chest and pointing at Asa. “Or maybe he’s the one behind it.”
    Asa clenched his hands into fists. “Do you really trust this guy?”
    She threw up her hands in frustration. “I don’t know who to trust right now. Maybe I shouldn’t trust anyone.”
    Her brother gave her a look that could only be interpreted as disappointment. “I’m sorry you feel that way, sis. But when you remember I’m the one who loves you unconditionally, give me a call.” He handed her a business card. “Here’s my cell number. I’m staying at the hotel on Sheridan.” After giving her a quick kiss on her cheek, he tossed Sawyer a scowl and strode out the door.
    Tapping her foot in irritation, she folded her arms across her chest and glared at Sawyer. She hadn’t seen her brother in years, and he’d managed to run him off within only minutes of his arrival.
    Checking out her office, he made a complete 360 before mirroring her stance.
    He might be her lover and Master, but it was time she reminded him of her power. Holding his gaze, she threw back her shoulders and slowly stalked toward him. He smiled as if expecting her to pounce on him.
    She stopped in front of him.
    Returned his smile.
    And punched him.

Chapter Ten
    S AWYER TOOK HER anger like a champ. Of course it helped that there was no real power behind her sock to his arm. “I hope you got it out of your system, because you’re not getting a second chance.”
    Shame heated her cheeks. She shouldn’t have taken her frustration out on him, even if he was acting like an ass. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
    The fear of becoming her parents had always hovered on the edge of her mind. There wasn’t a day that went by during which she didn’t remember what it was like to curl into a ball as the rain of fists came down on her. She swore she’d never raise her hands in anger, and she’d broken the promise to herself.
    â€œI wouldn’t have let you do it if I wasn’t okay with it. You obviously needed to let off some steam.”
    She laughed, relieved he didn’t hold her loss of composure against her. “You mind telling me why you acted like such a jerk in front of my brother?”
    His expression turned serious. “Your brother is a reminder of how little I know about you.”
    â€œThat’s not true.” She planted herself on the edge of her desk. “Believe it or not, you know me better than anyone else.”
    He pursed his lips, and frown lines etched his forehead. “Well, that’s just sad.”
    She flashed him a sorry grin in agreement. “Sad but true.”
    He joined her on the desk, and they both sat with their legs dangling as if they were on the edge of a pier. “I want to know more. I’m not asking you to tell me why you took the money and ran or where the money went, but tell me something I don’t know. Let me see a glimpse of the real Annaliese.”
    She paused, thinking long and hard about herself. What could she share with him?
    There were no memories of Christmases spent opening presents under a tree decorated with twinkling lights. No memories of sleepovers at friends’ houses or dates for the prom. No jobs working at the local fast food restaurant or spelling bees at school.
    Her life had been about keeping her head down so no one noticed her and reported her to Child Protective Services. It had been about hiding food and change under her mattress so she didn’t starve. When she’d gotten older, it had been about seducing men and women and making her father proud of her by pulling off a successful con.
    Yeah, he didn’t want to hear about that.
    â€œMy family moved around a lot when I was growing up,” she heard herself say. “By the time I was eighteen, I’d lived in every

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