Black Lies White Lies

Black Lies White Lies by Dranda Laster

Book: Black Lies White Lies by Dranda Laster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dranda Laster
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you about. Candice, this is my mother, Mrs. Sofia Canaberry.”
    “Lovely to meet you, Candice. I have heard so much about you.”
    “Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Canaberry.”
    “Sofia, will do. Come have a seat. The sun is nice and warm out here. It’s beautiful this time in the evening. Marbella had Cook prepare refreshments. Dinner will be served shortly.”
    “Mother, I think I will have a scotch. It’s been a long day.”
    “I will have it brought out.”
    “Don’t bother, Mother. I can get it myself. Would you like anything, Candice?”
    “No, not now, thank you.” Ashton walked into the house, leaving his mother and me alone. I sat there nervously.
    “Candice, Ashton tells me you lost your mother recently.”
    “Yes I did, a few weeks ago.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that. There is nothing like your mother. I lost mine many years ago and I still miss her.”
    “I do miss her. I’m afraid I always will.”
    “So you and my son work together, I mean for the same company.”
    “Yes, we do.”
    “Ashton has always wanted to run his own company, but it seems he is always turning someone else’s around. Ashton is an exceptionally smart man, just like his father. Did Ashton tell you much about his father?”
    “Not much, only that he lives in San Diego. And was a Captain in the Navy.”
    “Yes, his father was a military man who served his country, but not so much his family. Ashton is a lot like his father.” She had this distant look on her face. “Ashton has never had a close relationship with his father. He and his brother are different in that way. Victor lives in Washington and is married with my two grandsons I adore. They will be here tonight so you will get to meet them.” I wondered if Ashton knew his brother was coming in. “I almost forgot to mention his wife, Susan. I think she will be with him.” I had a feeling she didn’t care too much for Susan, just a hunch. “Ashton tells you’re from the south. I’ve never been to Tennessee.” I was sure she hadn’t. “So, Candice, is your father still living.?”
    “Yes, he is. He still lives not far from where I grew up.”
    “Are you close to your father?”
    “Yes I am, very close.” I was closer to him than I was my mother.
    “Well at least you have one parent left.” I wondered what she would ask next, but I kind of had a feeling. “Tell me, Candice, are you and my son serious?”
    “We’ve been seeing each other for a while now.”
    “I hope it’s serious. I want you to know,” she looked through me as if she could see clear to my soul, “Ashton has never once introduced me to any of his female companions, so I’m sure it’s pretty serious. When it comes to my sons, I can get real serious too.”
    “I’m not quite sure what you mean, Sofia.”
    “Come on, Candice, I’m sure you do get my meaning. Ashton and Victor are all I have and I don’t want to see them hurt.”
    “I’m sure you won’t have to worry. I care for Ashton more than you know.”
    She gave me such an icy glare, “I’m sure I won’t, but Candice, let’s be clear, I won’t lose my son to anything or any woman.” I knew then this woman may look frail, but buyers beware. She was a force to be reckoned with.
    Marbella walked through the door with lemonade and cucumber sandwiches. “I hope I wasn’t gone too long,” she glanced in my direction.
    “No, Marbella. Candice and I were getting to know one another.”
    “I hope you were being courteous, Sofia.”
    “Yes, of course I was. We were just getting some of the particulars out of the way. Marbella, where has Ashton disappeared to?”
    “He’s in the kitchen talking to Raymond about dinner. You know how Ashton is about certain things, he wants everything just right.”
    “That’s my Ashton alright, always wanting everything to be just right. Candice, try some this lemonade,” Sofia said in a sweeter voice now that Marbella was in the room.
    “Thank you, I think I will have some.” I

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