Black Gate: Timewalker Chronicles, Book 4
shirt but kept his hand splayed over the Mark from on top of his shirt. But now, faced with the true possibility of being with Katherine forever, the idea made him nervous as a schoolboy going on his first date.
    “Katherine chose you. I had nothing to do with this. The Mark is yours, Teagh. If you can keep it.” Celestina’s whisper stole the air from his lungs and Bran asked the same question that burned inside his skull.
    “How can the Gate steal her Mark? That makes no sense at all.” Bran stepped up to the Seer’s side, careful not to touch her.
    Celestina looked first Teagh, then Bran square in the eye. “I don’t know, but it can. The Gate wants her for itself.”
    Katherine knew the moment Teagh stepped through another portal and disappeared. It was like an iron band around her chest loosened and she could suddenly breathe again.
    The man stole all her air. Not to mention her brain cells.
    But he was gone. Now was her chance to go after her men and to return to that weird wall anchored in the darkness. She didn’t know who was being held prisoner there, but she was determined to return and discover the truth. She felt rested, ready, thanks to Teagh’s magic touch. She hated to admit how much being with him had helped her, but she’d give the alien his due.
    But she felt stronger now, more in control. The dark didn’t scare her. Quite the opposite.
    She rose from the bed and brushed off her arms and legs in brisk sweeping motions. She imagined her clothing with a scattering of lint over the plain black material. In reality, she was brushing off the feeling of his skin, of his arms holding her. She shook her head to clear the fog caused by his smoking-hot kiss.
    Think about something else…anything else.
    Desperate for a distraction, she studied his bedroom. The room was basic. A king-size bed with no headboard or other decoration sat near one wall covered in plain white sheets and blankets. The floor was gray tile, the furniture sparse. There was a rocking chair positioned so its occupant could look out the large window. A white wicker dresser with attached mirror lined the opposite wall. There was a very small closet full of black, white, and dark brown clothing, and nothing else. Boring.
    She would’ve mistaken it for a recovery room in a private medical facility if not for the view.
    A floor-to-ceiling bay window took half the wall space and opened to the most spectacular view of the beach, complete with lapping waves, gulls, and dolphins jumping in the distance.
    Here she was, stuck in some kind of picture-perfect vacation photo, complete with sexy male eye-candy and warm sand on a beach. The warm, humid air meant she wasn’t looking at a beach in Iceland, she was somewhere warm. Florida, he claimed. Hell, for all she knew, she could be in Africa. The bottom line was that her mystery man had swooped into the dark and taken her. He’d frozen her in place and refused to allow her to go after her men.
    “Trust me,” he said, then tried to knock her unconscious while he ran off on some mystery errand. So what, he was sexy as sin and one hell of a kisser? He was also an arrogant jerk who had frozen her body and refused to allow her leave his home, refuted her need to go after her team, and tried to telepathically force her mind into a sleep coma so he could keep her unconscious and helpless while he went God knows where.
    Mr. Right? Wrong. She didn’t have time for that kind of fantasy life. Her team was stranded and Mr. Freeze-Your-Ass-In-Place was gone. No time for Stockholm Syndrome to kick in. He was dangerous. He’d kidnapped her and told her absolutely nothing of any value.
    Teagh claimed to protect three worlds.
    Screw that. She only cared about one. And on that world there was an excruciatingly small list of people she truly loved. Her mother. Her cousins. Her boys made the short list. She refused to let them sit in the dark.
    By her calculations she’d been with Teagh in this

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