Black Friday: Exposed

Black Friday: Exposed by Ashley;JaQuavis

Book: Black Friday: Exposed by Ashley;JaQuavis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley;JaQuavis
not physically ill or hurt, but when I look at him I can see the burden on his face. It seems like he is carrying the world on his shoulders. He really needs to be home, you know?”
    “Yeah, I know Carm. I’m trying my best to come up with the money. Twenty stacks does not come easy these days. I should have the rest of the money by the end of the week. I planned on getting him out then,” she lied as she rolled her eyes. “But listen how far away are you from the city? We can do lunch or something.”
    “I’m not close at all. I just left Rikers and I have some things I need to look into when I get back. I’m going to have to take a rain check.”
    Norelle bust a U-turn and headed toward Carmen’s office. “Okay, well I’ll call you later.” She disconnected the call and threw her cell phone in her lap out of frustration. “Ughh!” she yelled as she hit the steering wheel repeatedly.
    Fifteen minutes later, Norelle found herself pulling up in front of Carmen’s workplace. She walked into her office as if she belonged and found that no one was sitting at the secretary’s desk in front of Carmen’s office. She let herself in and walked over to Carmen’s desk. Her hands shook as she ruffled through the many papers and manila file folders that were scattered on top of the desk. She tried to hurry so that she could get in and out undetected.
    “Where is it? Where is it?” she mumbled impatiently. She finally located Kasheef’s case folder. She thumbed through it, quickly reading some of the details of the case. She located the name of the witness in the case. Alija Bell, she read as she went over a brief bio on the girl. Now all I have to do is find you. She continued to rummage through the papers until she found a piece of paper with Alija’s address on it. It was for a motel and she figured it had to be what she was looking for. I think I might pay this bitch Alija a visit myself, she thought as she recopied the address on a piece of paper. She was just about to leave the office when she heard voices outside of the door. She saw the doorknob turn. Oh shit, she thought as she ducked underneath the desk and pulled her knees close to her body so that she would fit. Her heartbeat was erratic and her nerves shot as she tried not to breathe too loudly.
    “I’d like to view the case file on Mr. Williams’ case,” she heard a male voice say.
    “Sure, no problem. I’m sure Ms. Rose left it somewhere on her desk,” a feminine voice replied and sat down in the chair. Norelle flinched as she tried to avoid contact with the woman’s legs which were inches from touching her. She scooted as far into the small space as she could and closed her eyes, praying that they wouldn’t find her. Norelle’s eyes shot open in dismay when a pungent smell wafted up her nostrils. She almost threw up in her mouth when she noticed that the smell was coming from in between the legs of the seated woman. This is what I get for trying to snoop, she thought disgustedly as she took in as little air as possible. She felt like she was choking on rotten fish. God please let her find this damn file before I die underneath this mu’fucka. “Oh, here it is!” the woman announced and then the legs and deathly smell disappeared. Norelle waited until she heard the door open and close before she burst from underneath the desk, gasping for air. She was sure to return everything to its original condition then she snuck out of the office undetected, with a frown on her face.
    “Mommy is gonna get us out of here baby girl,” Alija said as she fed Nahla the bottle and watched TV. She was watching the local news to make sure that she was on point with what was going on in Kasheef’s case. There had been coverage on it at least twice a day and she felt like she needed to be involved of every aspect. She was attempting to swindle a very dangerous man and she wanted to make sure she was aware of the circumstances surrounding the situation.

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