Bittersweet Fate

Bittersweet Fate by S.J.Dalton

Book: Bittersweet Fate by S.J.Dalton Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J.Dalton
1        Chapter 1-that night
    I'm sitting here starting at a blank document wondering what to type next, how do I want my story to go? I mean all the novels out lately have happy endings? Not everyone gets a happy ending ....we all lose the people we love eventually sooner or later. Or they just up and leave leavening you heartbroken and miserable, the way I see it is the harder you love the harder you will hurt. I shut down my laptop and tell my mom that I'm heading to my best friend Nina’s for the night .as pull into Nina’s driveway and get out she's at the door already big surprise! This right here is me being sarcastic" "Hey sweet cheeks what's the plan for tonight I say in a flirty tone. “OH hi my lovely Lily I've got plenty planned for you" she says as she waggles her eyebrows up and down. We both burst out laughing yes this is how we carry on I mean we are like sister’s. I take two steps at a time until I reach her room, we sit and chat for the first half hour catching up. "Hey Nina u want me to do your fortune cards?" I get so excited doing these I just love them although I haven't done them in a while so I'm looking forward to doing them tonight "oooo yes yes yes do it!!She says jumping around like a 3 year old her shoulder length brown hair swaying with her. "ok ok sit down u crazy person" I begin by lightning a white candle and start shuffling when I'm done I had them to Nina and ask her to shuffle them too "ok I’ll put them out in front of you and you choose 9 cards got it?" yes lily go go go I've no patients" after she picks her nine cards I put them in three rows of three and begin to turn them over " so miss witchy what do they say?" I give her a don't fuck with me look and say "well for starters. You have mostly good cards but there is a few bad ones too" I read out all the definitions of each cards and explain them to her. “So I'm going to have a long life, have good luck with jobs and school? I've also a sly Fox on my hands? This is great “I throw her a smile and say “well the sly Fox could be anyone Nina  ...and school and work that's great news aren't you waiting to see if you got into college? “Well I suppose..." yes exactly you are and it's telling you the outcome will be good and good health what more could u want? u also have the love card and the ring which means you have strong bonds with a loved one or you are going too that's great !!" ok ok I'm happy now let's do yours lil" I explain to her what to do and we carry on with mine.. I stare at my cards when I have them picked as they are weird I mean I'm the one reading them as Nina can't so I explain to her what they mean even though I don't get them I mean how. I already…never mind..?" ok so mine are the heart and the mountain which means love aboard? witch I don't get because I don't know anyone aboard, the next cards are saying I'm going to travel and it will turn out well I mean Nina I don't plan on traveling and also it says that I will have success with a job and money?" hmm... that's weird alright maybe you might travel and meet a super sexy American hunk huh " she nudges me smiling. I can't help but smile too “I guess we will find out “we finish up and put the cards away as my mind is blowing up enough for one night. We settle down by watching my favorite movie "the notebook”. 

2        Chapter 2-just go
      I still don't know what I want in life I mean I've no goals yet I'm undecided which is kind of crazy seeing as I'm 20 years old. I've to start picking out my major and colleges soon so that doesn't leave me much time to think. At least Nina knows what she's going to do go to college here and study law. I mean that's not for me I want to find myself before I plan ahead I'm kind of a in the moment type of girl .maybe I should travel ? No no no I sigh to myself. My inner demon is screaming saying there's nothing here just go already pack and leave maybe you will find yourself

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