Bitter Cuts
    Serena L’Amour
    Smashwords Edition 1.0, December 2010
    Copyright 2010 Serena L’Amour
    * * * * *
    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Bitter Cuts is a work of
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    Full catalog of
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    * * * * *
    Olivia Foster paid a steeper
price that most could imagine to live and work in Hollywood. She'd
grown up in a small town in Wisconsin, but she spent her teenage
years longing for a life in California, among the glitz and the
glamour. She took a bus to the city shortly after she graduated
high school, and found a steady job as an assistant at Bitter Cuts.
She worked tirelessly during the day and went to school at night,
in pursuit of her dream of becoming a full time stylist, and
perhaps one day, she'd be doing hair for movie stars.
    But, as always, life has a way
of crushing a young girl's dreams, as well as her heart. She had
been working at the salon a year now, and had been treated harshly
several times. Olivia was beautiful, with blonde hair and blue
eyes, thick and curvy in all the right places. Back home, she had a
steady boyfriend, but out here, she was the fat girl, the one that
got passed over in lieu of the “beautiful ones”, in both her career
and romantic pursuits.
    Olivia was hired to shampoo
clients, answer the phones, wash and dry the towels, and on her
down time, she was allowed to practice cutting on the mannequins.
But for the most part, Alexis Favreau, the manager of Bitter Cuts,
treated the young girl very brutally. She'd make her work after
hours, without overtime, closing the salon and cleaning the floors
and tanning booths. Olivia would often stay at work for hours after
her chores were done, perfecting her styles on the plastic women in
hopes that Alexis would come in the next morning and compliment her
work, and maybe give her a shot on a real client.
    But the next morning was like
every other one. “What a total clusterfuck!” barked Alexis.
“Olivia, there's no way in Hell you're going to make it in this
business. I mean, just look at this hair!” The other stylists,
including Jenna, whom Olivia once considered a friend, and T-Man,
Alexis' gay twin brother, the bitchiest of them all, laughed and
gathered around to watch the humiliation. “Look, honey,” said
T-Man. “This might have worked in Pigsville, or wherever the fuck
you came from, but this is SoCal. You need to do yourself a favor:
give it up. You're not even that good a maid!”
    Olivia fought her feelings and
was able to hold back the tears, at least for a little while. “Just
take the damn trash out, and then come back and get to cleaning.
I've wasted enough of my time with you.” Alexis turned around and a
huge fake smile came across her face. “Darling, come in, sit down,”
she told a client, as Olivia headed to the back room.
    Olivia wiped her face and
proceeded to empty the small trash cans into a larger bag, then
headed out the back door towards the dumpster. Fucking bitch , she
thought, as the emotions overcame her while she was throwing the
trash into the larger receptacle. Finally, she could take no more
and slumped down in the back alley and broke into tears. What the fuck do I have to do to make
it in this world , she said as she cried
to herself. She looked

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