Bitter Ashes (Bitter Ashes Book 1)
wouldn't want me to take her life until she talked, but the threat was there. She looked down at me. Her black, curly hair had been ripped out of her scalp on one side, leaving a bald patch to slowly ooze blood as she watched me with a predatory expression.
    “Have they told you what they want to know from me?” she asked as if the men were no longer in the room. “Do you know what all of this is for?”
    James squeezed my arm tightly, obviously wanting me to lie. “No,” I answered honestly.
    Maya smiled. “Not an obedient pet after all. Maybe you'll be smart enough to run away before you end up like their last executioner.”
    “What do they want to know from you?” I asked.
    James began to jerk me away, but Estus simply shook his head. James let his hand fall from my arm, though he obviously didn't like it.
    “Come closer,” Maya said with a smile. “I'll tell you a secret.”
    I obeyed hesitantly. I didn't feel her pain as I stepped closer, but she could still try and injure me once I was within reach. Yet, something in her face made me trust her. I stepped close enough for her to reach her mouth down toward my ear. The manacles she was shackled to held her slightly off the ground, but I was tall enough and she was short enough that we ended up face to face.
    She leaned in a little closer until her lips touched my ear and I had to force myself to not jerk away. “Find me tonight,” she whispered.
    The sound was barely audible to my own hearing, so I knew James and Estus would not be able to hear. “Listen to what I have to say, and I'll tell you everything that your friends want to know. It will be up to you whether or not they get to know it. Not everything is as it seems in this place.”
    I stepped away and tried to hide the fact that my hands were shaking. I balled them in fists at my sides and turned toward Estus.
    “She's not afraid of me,” I announced. “I can do no good here.”
    Estus nodded, as if he'd known all along, which made me suspicious. Why summon me at all, and why allow Maya to whisper in my ear?
    “We will call you once she has spoken,” he assured.
    “But-” James began, but Estus cut him off with another look.
    I backed out of the room while I still could. The woman kept her gaze focused on me as an eerie smile crept across her face. I made it out into the hallway and shut the door behind me with a thud. I almost leaned against it, but then remembered how Estus had made me fall inside the first time, and walked a few steps down the hallway instead.
    I leaned against the stone wall and tried to think. Her words echoed in my mind, not everything is as it seems . I had stopped actively trying to escape the Vaettir because I thought they could help me. I was like them, after all, and they weren't fearful of my “gift”. I would never accidentally kill Alaric or Sophie unless they were severely weakened. I had also been led to believe that the Vaettir were at war, and I was a valuable keystone in their defense tactics. After growing up in foster care, then living a life of solitude, it was good to feel needed, even if it was for something I'd rather not think about.
    For the first time in a very long time, I felt like I somewhat belonged. I didn't have to be alone anymore. Still, I had my doubts. What if I'd been lied to? What if this was all some scheme to use me, and then discard me when I was no longer needed? I wouldn't put it past Estus or James to try and manipulate me, but Alaric?
    I had seen many other Vaettir within the Salr, but most gave me a wide berth. At first I thought it was because I had brought Sophie back to life, and it made them nervous, but maybe they didn't fear me. Maybe they just feared I'd find them out. I had to know for sure. Even if I couldn't escape, I at least would not be led like a lamb to slaughter. If this so-called traitor could give me answers, then I would be an idiot to not listen.
    “Are you okay?” someone asked from behind my turned

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