Bitch in Heat (Werewolf Erotica)
    Lilith Kinke
    * * * * *
    Lilith Kinke on Smashwords
    Bitch in Heat
    Copyright © 2012 by Lilith Kinke
    Smashwords Edition, License Notes
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    I sniffed the night air, careful to angle
myself downwind from whatever might be looking for me. My fur
pricked up in the cold night air. Traveling alone had a lot of
threats, but most ladies didn’t have the kind of extra perks I did.
I yawned, showing my sharp teeth to the world.
    I was the big, bad wolf. Maybe not as big or
as bad as some, but compared to most of the human population, I
pretty much had it wrapped up. I admired my reflection in still
pool of water, taking note of my sleek body and delicate snout. I
shook my fur, amused by my vanity, and began trotting faster. I had
a long way to go before the border.
    I entered a more heavily wooded area, careful
to avoid any large predators. Though I could scare just about
anything off, I didn’t want to deal with it. I passed by a small
cabin, empty, presumably because of the off-season. This would be a
good place to stop.
    I carefully made my way in, breaking open the
window after checking to make sure that no one had been by in at
least the last month. People could be so sensitive about things
like that. The air smelled stale, but the cabin was nice
    Really, I wasn’t very picky. It had been
outfitted with a small shower, and I felt like I was in the lap of
luxury. Though I could spend my time sleeping as a wolf, it was
always less comfortable. The chance to get my skin clean was one to
take anytime. And a real bed! I almost squealed aloud when I
    I sighed as I felt the hot water run down my
back. It felt heavenly after days and days of woodland, and I
ducked my head under the water to rinse my hair. I scrubbed away at
the grime, smiling as the water took it all away.
    I relaxed naked, lounging on the bed after
the shower in my human form. With all the running I had been doing,
my body was in great shape. I ran my hands down my now-clean body,
feeling the smooth skin. I growled in my throat, feeling the need
rise up in me again. It had started earlier today, and since then,
I couldn’t stop thinking about sex.
    My hands found their way down to my pussy,
and I was not surprised to feel the warm wetness. I needed it, and
bad. I stroked my clit, moaning and aching for a cock. I pumped my
fingers in and out, but it was poor substitute, and I needed
    My hips thrust upwards, trying to get deeper
but it was no use. I growled in frustration as I focused on my
clit, hoping to get anything. I imagined a hot stud fucking me
hard, his hard body pressed against mine. He would be rough and
know just where the limit lay between pleasure and pain. The
fantasy kept expanding in my head.
    The pleasure grew as I kept fantasizing, and
it wasn’t before long that I reached orgasm, unable to stop myself
from making a small mew as it happened. My body quivered.
    I lay looking up at the ceiling, the barest
relief from orgasm hardly masking my burning need. It had almost
made it worse, in fact. I was soaked in sweat, and decided to take
another quick rinse before turning in for the night.
    It was late before I had finished drying off
again, having to stop to masturbate at least two more times in the
shower. This was going to be pretty unbearable for the next week or
so, I thought to myself before slipping off into slumber.
    The next day’s travel was much the same.

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