Birth of Jaiden
    “ Are you ready to try it?”
Jeremiah always sounded like he was growling when he
    Surprised, Alex answered.
“Yes! Yeah, I’m ready!”
    “ Good. Come to my house
right away. Don’t bother knocking, just come right down to the
    Alex agreed. “I have to
make a stop first and then I will be on my way.”
    “ I’ll be waiting.”
Jeremiah hung up the phone.
    Alex clicked off his phone
and wandered the house in search of Isabella and Jaiden. He could
not find them anywhere on the ground floor so he went to explore
upstairs. The door to Isabella’s room was open.
    When he looked in, he saw
her lying under a puddle of champagne silk, with only her face
showing. Her blond hair was spread across the pillows and to Alex
it appeared much silkier than the fabric which surrounded
    Jaiden slept soundly in
her bassinet, which Isabella had shoved as close to the bed as it
would go so that she could reach out and touch her. Alex thought it
poor manners to just walk in so he rapped lightly on the door. He
watched as Isabella opened her beautiful green eyes and focused on
    “ Hi,” she
    “ Hi, I’m sorry...the door
was open.”
    “ It’s all right. I left it
open so you would know where we were.” She did not move to get up.
“Are you going somewhere?” she asked.
    “ Yes, I just wanted to let
you know that I have some business to take care of and I don’t know
when I’ll be back.”
    “ Ok…you look
    Surprised at the
compliment, Alex nodded. “Thank you.”
    She sighed. “Well, have a
good time, I’m going back to sleep.”
    “ All right, well…have nice
    “ I will.” With that, she
shut her eyes and rolled over.
    She must be
exhausted ,
he thought, and felt oddly guilty for being the cause of her
    He did not want to think
about it at that moment because he wanted to think about what might
be about to happen. Excitement hurried him to his mustang and off
to the church. He was not about to go into something like that
without praying first.
    He rolled down the windows
as he traveled the busy highway. The night was clear and warm but
the stars slowly disappeared as the Reno lights took over the
    Alex entered the church
slowly instead of rushing in as he usually did. He walked up the
aisle and ran his fingers along the tops of the pews until he
arrived at the altar where he knelt and bowed his head.
    “ Lord, I need to know if
this situation with Isabella and Jaiden is truly what you want of
me. If not, it needs to stop now, before I get attached to Jaiden.
I have already started to have feelings for Isabella and now I have
committed to her family too.
    No matter what, I know I
did the right thing by helping those kids. They deserve it after so
much hardship.
    Is that part of the plan
too? I will do whatever you want of me, but sometimes it is just so
hard to tell exactly what you want. Jaiden is a beautiful,
wonderful baby, but I have no idea how to raise her.
    I suppose it was easier
with my own children who were bound to me by blood. Even that was
so long ago that I have forgotten how.
    If this plan of Jeremiah’s
is what you want to happen, then I know it will work. But there is
the possibility that it won’t; if it doesn’t work, then I will
never be able to raise Jaiden. No matter how much time a human
spends living at night, it is her nature to be awake in the
    I would not be right to
make her sacrifice the daylight for me. I know how much I miss it
and I will never put her in that situation. Lord, please give me
strength and guidance to make the right decisions. Show me the
paths that I need to take in order to do the right
    Also, if Stewart is not a
traitor, then please give him strength and guidance too; if he is a
traitor, help us to do what needs to be done. Lord, my excitement
is making me at a loss for words now; I am sorry for such a brief
prayer; please forgive me and thank you so much for

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