Billionaire's Trust (Standalone Book) (Billionaire Bad Boy Romance)

Billionaire's Trust (Standalone Book) (Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) by Alexa Davis

Book: Billionaire's Trust (Standalone Book) (Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) by Alexa Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Davis
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with the napkin in
her lap. There was something she wasn't telling me, but since she'd given me a
pass on my brother, I'd let this one go.
    "It must be
difficult running a law firm," I tried to sympathize.
    "It's a lot
harder than most people think," she agreed. "What's most difficult is
drumming up consistent business. We're not a tax firm or a corporate mergers
firm that can count on repeated business year after year. We're criminal
lawyers who rely on word of mouth and reputation, you know?"
    I nodded as an
idea began to take shape in my brain. It was too soon to be thinking this, but
it was still there. I needed to run it by Riza before
I decided anything. She'd tell me what was insane about the idea of hiring
Brooke Raines to replace Lydia.
    "I mean, it's
not like we can count on our clients to keep getting in trouble," she said
with a rueful smile. "It's awful to think of it that way, but that's what
we do. We get people out of all kinds of terrible trouble, and we deal with
things that most people would rather not have to deal with."
    "It's got to
be rough," I said. "I mean, dealing with people in trouble."
    "That's not
so bad," she said. "The hard part is knowing how many people there
are in trouble on any given day and not being able to reach them. We're good
lawyers and we know how to manage problems, but we're not like the big firms
who can take out tons of radio ads and put big billboards all over town so that
their firms' names are in people's brains."
    "I see,"
I said as my phone went off again. I looked down and saw that it was Kesha. I
shot Brooke an apologetic look and got up to take the call away from the table.
"What is going on over there that you can't handle the club for one
night?" I hissed.
something is weird about the shipment in the basement, there are four new boxes
down here that weren't here when I checked in the inventory for this
week," she said, then added, "And they're not part of the backup
stock either."
well, take some pictures and send them to me. Maybe I'll recognize the
boxes," I said. "And for God's sake, do not call me again unless the
club is burning down or you yourself are on fire!" Kesha laughed in my ear
as she hung up.
    I returned to the
table and apologized for the interruption.
    "No, I'm
sorry," Brooke said shaking her head and laughing weakly. "This is a
date, not a session with my shrink or my business coach."
    "No, it's okay," I said as the server placed our desserts in
front of us and then went to get our coffee. "Sometimes it's good to just
talk about what's bothering you. Just get it out and then find a way to
formulate a solution that solves the problem."
    "Is that what
you do?" she asked as she looked across the table at me. The intensity of
her gaze almost caused me to look away, but I knew better than to show any
weakness right now, so I stared back and simply nodded. Then she murmured,
"I thought so."
    "What did you
think, Brooke?" I asked as I reached across the table and laid my hand on
hers. She stared at it for a moment and then looked up at me.
    "Latte for
the lady and an espresso for the gentleman," the server announced as he
placed the steaming hot drinks in front of us. I pulled my hand back to give
him room, and Brooke looked up and chirped, "Thank you!" before
digging into her dessert.
    The moment had
passed and I was left wondering what she thought I did.


    " So , tell me about the last really fun
thing you did," I said in a voice that was a little too bright. There had
been a moment where we'd almost connected, but the waiter had interrupted
before I could tell Dax that I'd thought he was a
thinking man whose thoughts ran deeper than just an urban club in a large city.
Now that the moment had passed, it seemed awkward to go back and try to
reconstruct it, so I kept moving forward.
    "The last
really fun thing I did, eh?" Dax said as he
sipped his

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