Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2)

Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2) by Kaycee Kline

Book: Billionaire Romance: Spencer's Torment (A Seductive Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 2) by Kaycee Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaycee Kline
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like a child whose favorite toy had just been taken away.
    “We don’t want to keep your parents waiting, Emily,” he said cheerfully as he kissed my cheek. Then, just like that, he got out of the car and came around to open my door. “Come on, love,” he coaxed, holding his hand out for me.
    I wanted to put up a fight, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good, so I accepted defeat and got out.
    “Fine,” I pouted. “But it doesn’t mean I like it.”
    Spencer gave me a wink and then smiled, turning away. “Naturally. Now come on, beautiful,” he said, walking up the steps ahead of me.
    I trudged reluctantly into the house after Spencer, still half pouting that I hadn’t gotten my way. Not that what I had wanted was entirely logical, but that was besides the point.
    As I trailed into the living room, my mom said, “Well, there you two love birds are. It’s about time.” She smiled an annoying parental smile.
    “Here we are,” I said in my best chipper tone. I knew I was being a brat, but I couldn’t help it.
    Spencer ignored my pouting and turned to my dad. “Hey Mike, why don’t you and I go down to LA for the day? They’re having their annual luxury auto show—it’s the best in the country,” Spencer said with a smile.
    My dad’s face lit up and he made a groaning sound—the kind of noise that you never ever wanted to hear coming from your parents and I grimaced. Spencer had just struck gold. There wasn’t a faster way to my dad’s heart than through a mutual love of cars. Well, except for maybe food, but he’d already covered that.
    “I’ll take that as a yes?” Spencer smiled, looking around at all of us for confirmation.
    “Definitely a yes, my man,” my dad replied, slapping Spencer on the shoulder.
    “Maybe afterward we can run by Ford Enterprises and I can give you a little tour?” Spencer said, hopeful.
    “Sounds like a plan. I’d love to see where my little girl does all her hard work,” my dad said proudly.
    Spencer and I shot each other a private look from across the room and I suppressed my laughter. If you only knew, Dad.
    “Do you ladies want to come along?” Spencer asked, turning to my mom and I.
    “No thanks. I’m good,” I replied with a yawn. Not on purpose, but it was definitely indicative of how I felt about cars.
    Everyone laughed and then my mom said, “You know, I think I’ll pass, too. I wanna stay here and hang out with Em. At least, if that’s alright with you?” she asked, looking at me expectantly.
    Honestly, I just wanted some peace and quiet and time to rest. I was exhausted. But I knew that would break my mom’s heart, so I nodded my head and with a smile I said, “Sure. Of course.”
    My mom smiled so big that it made me feel guilty for wanting to be alone. I knew I didn’t spend enough time with her and this would be the perfect opportunity for us to catch up. I just wished I wouldn’t have to entertain her and I sure as hell didn’t feel like going out anywhere.
    As if reading my mind, Spencer came over to me and took my face carefully in his hands. “How about an at-home spa day? You won’t have to go anywhere. You can just stay here and relax. I’ll have them come to you,” he said.
    “Oh Spencer. No. That would be so expensive,” I replied.
    “It’s nothing. It’s the least I can do. Both of you beautiful women deserve to feel like Queens. And I know that you could use a massage,” he said, sadness briefly fleeting across his face.
    I was reminded of the night before and the awful events that had taken place. It all seemed like a bad dream that hadn’t been real—something that only existed in my mind. Goosebumps spread over my arms and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.
    Spencer kissed the top of my head and looked at me with concern. “Are you okay, love? Maybe I shouldn’t go to LA. That was dumb of me to suggest,” he said, furrowing his brow.
    “No, no. That’s crazy. Please go. Have fun. I’ll be fine. My

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