Chapter One D ean Harwood was having a hell of a day and now he was headed home at noon. The last thing he needed to deal with right now was an emergency cooked up by his housekeeper. He was in the middle of negotiations for a new med-tech company and he wanted the deal sealed by Christmas. This new acquisition would forge a new era for Harwood Industries, making them the leader for tech advancement in the medical field. Between research, multiple visits to Switzerland to speak with the developers and trips to China to figure out the manufacturing side, Dean had spent nearly two years on this deal. It was so close he could taste it, yet he was on his way home when he should be behind his sturdy oak desk looking over the latest changes. Flora wasn’t a woman normally given to histrionics. She was in her fifties with a long grey braid down her back, comfortable and functional shoes and a no nonsense attitude. That perhaps, was the only reason his sleek black Aston Martin was racing down the highway towards his mansion just outside of town. Something must have shaken the woman badly. He sped down the long private road leading to his home eager to get to the bottom of whatever the hell was going on. Skidding to a stop just inside the circular drive, Dean barely closed the door before he marched up three short steps and barreled through the large wooden doors that opened to a massive foyer. “Flora!” His long strides roamed the first floor of the mansion in search of his housekeeper, trying to keep his temper in check. “Flora!” “In the solarium, Mr. Harwood.” Abruptly changing directions to get to his housekeeper, Dean stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of a baby cooing. That didn’t make sense but maybe she worried he’d fire her for bringing a baby to work. He could handle that since Flora always did a spectacular job and she’d been with him for a long time. Finally, he could see the sun streaming through the doorway from the end of the hall. “Okay Flora, what seems to be the problem?” “There’s no problem Mr. Harwood, just a situation for you to deal with.” The woman’s gaze never left the tiny bundle in her arms, her voice a pitch higher than normal. He did his best to ignore the baby talk from his housekeeper, but he could not ignore the child in her arms. “Okay what exactly is the situation?” She said nothing, simply pulled a letter from her apron and handed it to him. Meet Angel Thorpe Harwood, your daughter. Angel is nine months old and she is a happy, healthy baby. Her mother was Karen Thorpe and though she left little Angel in my custody, I strongly believe a child must be with her parents when possible. You have plenty of money, Mr. Harwood, I just hope you have as much love to give Angel. I’m sure you will do the right thing. ~KH
He balled into his fist the moment he finished reading it. “When will these damn women get it through their thick skulls!” His roar frightened the child and she began to fuss, but Flora quickly soothed her. “Did you see who dropped the letter off?” Flora shook her head. “I didn’t. The bell rang and I answered it to find this little beauty babbling away. I did get the feeling that whoever dropped her off lingered until she was brought inside. Felt like someone was watching me.” She stood and held the baby out to Dean. “Go on and take her.” “Why should I when she isn’t mine?” “Well she is just a baby so you can save your attitude for whoever you’re convinced has done you wrong this time.” She harrumphed and walked over to the window, cooing bundle bouncing lightly. “You say that as though I’m wrong.” He walked to the window and stood beside Flora. He didn’t dare look at the child. He was too busy; he couldn’t have a kid. “Well did the person ask for anything or even stick around to get anything? Sounds to me like this person did the right thing by letting you know when the mother couldn’t even be