it though, last night I ended up talking with Kyla down in the bar until late into the night. After we all left Slade’s house the other day, the bar got crowded pretty quickly and I used the opportunity to make sure Kyla didn’t run back up to her room. It didn’t take long for her to stop avoiding me and before we knew it the night was disappearing from us and Pope was giving me a warning look before going up to his room. The more she spoke the more I learned about her, she’s so intelligent and all I kept asking myself was why she let herself become an addict. How can someone so smart become so stupid? But I know the answer, it’s the draw and addiction of the drug. I listened to every word she said and it made me adamant to make sure she doesn’t slip back into bad habits. For the last few nights we have been staying up and talking to the early hours of the morning.
The banging continues and gets my blood boiling. Swinging my legs out of bed and stomping barefoot to the door, I flex my fist ready to knock whoever is on the other side clean out for waking me up.
Only, I find Pope on the other side and because I value my life and he’s Kyla’s father, the anger fades away.
“What’s the emergency?” I grunt, my voice thick with sleep.
“Cas needs me to do a job and it means I’m going to be gone for a couple of days. You’re the closest to Ky, I’m asking if you’ll watch her and pick her up from the shop and let me know immediately if she needs me.”
I wasn’t expecting that.
He goes to walk away but stops, he turns back to me and seriously asks, “I don’t need to remind you what I’ll do to you if anything happens to her, do I?”
Fucking Christ, no he doesn’t. If I do one thing in my life, it will be to never get on Pope’s wrong side. Falling for his daughter is fucking dangerous enough.
“Of course not.”
Cas must have something he only needs Pope to do because I can’t imagine Pope wanting to leave Kyla without a very good reason. He is loyal and he wouldn’t want to go against Cas unless he felt like someone else could do the job.
It feels good he trusts me with her, I won’t let him or her down and it gives me the chance to spend more time with her with good reason. Not bothering to go back to bed on account I’m fully awake now and on alert, I jump in the shower and get dressed.
By the time I make it down the stairs, Pope has long gone and everyone else is slowing drifting in.
When she kissed my cheek at Slade’s house three days ago, I knew then that I have to feel her lips on every inch of my body. If she was anyone else I would have taken her by now, especially last night when we were the only two awake and alone. I saw past the junkie and saw the girl striving to be different, to be better. She’s in there and every day she remains clean, she succeeds in reaching her goal and I strive to be the hero she asked for and make sure she does succeed.
I’m under no illusion that she is still finding it difficult and I don’t want to take advantage of her vulnerability and besides, she’s Pope’s fucking daughter and she deserves her hero.
I don’t know if I’m the right guy to be her hero but I’m damn well going to try.
Kyla doesn’t finish work until five but thinking about her makes me want to see her before then. It’s not long till lunch so I head to the kitchen area and see what food we’ve got in.
I set about putting shit together and get interrupted by deep, full on laughter standing in the doorway.
Slade and Sparky are both watching me in fascination.
“We only need one guess who all that’s for, unless you’re making us food out of the kindness of your heart,” Slade laughs some more.
“Fuck off,” I say, packing everything in a bag.
“Does Pope know you’re makin’ moves on his daughter?” Sparky teases.
“I’m taking her lunch, Pope asked me to watch out for her,” I say on the defensive.
“I don’t know, man. I
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