Bianca D'Arc
on Della. He knelt at the side of
her chair.
    “ Did you mean what you said
before?” He had to know. “Do you really love me?”
    “ Oh, Alex.” Her hand rose to cup
his cheek. The expression on her face gave him hope. “I’ve loved
you from almost the first moment I saw you. Without you, my life is
    He put his arms around her and drew her close,
folding his body into hers, his head resting beneath her chin,
against her breast. He heard her heart beating fast, matching the
excited rhythm of his.
    “ I feel the same.” His words were
a harsh whisper. “I don’t deserve you. I shouldn’t ask, but I can’t
live without you, Della.” He drew back to look deep into her eyes.
“Will you marry me, my love?”
    Tears welled and her lips curved upward in the most
beautiful of smiles. “Yes, Alex. Oh, yes!”
    He stood, scooping her into his arms as he took her
to bed. All else could wait. He had to make love to her now. To
seal the happiest moment of his life with a kiss, a touch, a
sharing of their mutual passion.
    He undressed her with trembling hands. It was all
new between them. This time, when they came together, it would be
in love. No more hiding. No more denial. Everything was bright and
shiny, bathed in the light of their love.
    When they were both naked, he lay down beside her on
the wide bed. His fingers trailed over her soft skin.
    “ You are so beautiful, Del.” His
hand stopped to rest over her abdomen, where the life they’d
created now lay. “I can’t believe you’re pregnant with my
    “ Neither can I.” Her hand covered
his, pressing gently. “I’ve always wanted a family. After I met
you, I couldn’t picture anyone else as the father of my babies.”
She chuckled. “That probably sounds silly.”
    He leaned down to kiss her hand, entwined with his.
“It’s not silly at all. I never dared dream about children. I
thought that possibility was forever over for me. But I know you
are the only woman in the universe I’d want to have children with.
You’re going to be a wonderful mother, Della.”
    “ You won’t mind that our little
girl will probably have prophetic visions? They came to me young. I
was barely a teen when I first started experiencing them.” She
looked genuinely worried.
    “ As long as you don’t mind that
she’ll be part jit’suku. I honestly didn’t know the DNA therapy
they’d given me had turned me into a hybrid. But I can’t bring
myself to regret the changes they made.”
    “ She’ll be ours. A part jit’suku
seer. I wonder if your genes will make her gifts stronger or if
they’ll have a dampening effect?”
    “ Judging by my experience, the
mixing of DNA seems to amplify native abilities, so who knows?” He
kissed her tummy and worked his way up to her breasts, nibbling on
them as she began to squirm beneath him in need. “As you said,
she’ll be ours. She’ll be loved.” He nibbled on her skin between
each soft spoken word. “As I love you. With all my
    “ Oh, Alex.” She gasped as he
sucked her nipple into his mouth. One of his hands toyed with her
other breast, while his other hand went to the juncture of her
thighs, delving between.
    Alex had always touched her with love. She realized
that now. Their feelings were finally out in the open and she was
able to give him everything—her body, her heart, her soul. The
miracle was that he gave her the same in return.
    Even when they were at their most frantic, Alex
always came to her with love in his every touch, his every gesture.
As he was doing now. His fingers delved inside her as his mouth
moved downward. Before she knew it, he had her spread before him,
and his lips had zeroed in on her clit. Teasing licks drove her
wild and a keening cry escaped from her lips.
    “ That’s what I like to hear.” His
breath floated across her sensitized skin, making her shiver. His
tongue made fluttery little forays across her clit, driving her
wild with need. In the

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