Beyond Me

Beyond Me by Jennifer Probst

Book: Beyond Me by Jennifer Probst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Probst
glowed with satisfaction. “Was it amazing?”
    “Yeah,” I sighed. “It was. Now I know what the fuss is all about.”
    Mac pointed her fork across the table. “Remember, no love shit. Just sex.”
    Cassie groaned. “What a nightmare. I’m not in love!”
    I shot her a sympathetic look. When Mac got on a tear, it was all over. “Sorry, Cass. Of course, the sex is off the charts, but he’s completely opposite of anyone I imagined myself with. He flunked out of a bunch of Ivy League schools, has a ton of money, and spends his time throwing parties and travelling the world.”
    Guilt nipped at my nerves. All of it was true, but I wasn’t telling my friends the real stuff. Like how he held me tight, and stroked my hair, and whispered how beautiful I was. How he opened up and admitted there was something between us. How he showed his hurt and loneliness from not having parents or family who gave a crap. I opened my mouth to defend him, but Mac was already talking.
    “Who cares? We’re here a week, as long as the sex is good and you like him, that’s all you need. Anything else is a major complication, and you have enough of those at home, Quinn.”
    “Yeah. I guess.” She was right. I needed to enjoy every moment but try to keep my heart locked up. Falling for James would be a mistake that would get me nowhere but a lot of pain. I spent the rest of the time chatting with Mac. I couldn’t help the worry that cut through me. If anyone realized she was America’s country sweetheart, we’d be outed and stuck with public scrutiny. Exactly what we all didn’t need. Cassie looked even more freaked out than me.
    “That’s not good, Mac. What if he tells someone, or sells the story of you two?”
    Mac shook my head. “He won’t.”
    My brow furrowed. Mac had great instincts, so if she trusted him, I probably would. “You’re sure?” I asked.
    Mac shrugged. “If he was going to sell me out, don’t you think the pap would be here right now, snapping pics of me?”
    I peeked over her shoulder to check. Cassie stood up and searched the crowd, holding her hand over her eyes like a sun visor. “Just because he didn’t yet doesn’t mean he won’t , you know.”
    Mac raised her chin in pure stubbornness. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take. I’m so freaking sick of being scared to live. I can’t do it anymore. I won’t. He might sell me out, but he might not. And I’m willing to take that chance, for the first time in a long time.”
    I reached out and squeezed her hand. “And if he turns out to be a jerk, we’ll kick his ass for you. Right, Cass?”
    “Right.” Cassie cleared her throat. “No matter what, we’re here for you.”
    Mac smiled and seemed to relax. The warmth of our friendship flowed over me, and I wondered again how I’d gotten so lucky. They were like my sisters, and I could always count on them. Again, my thoughts flashed to James. What would it be like to have no one in your life you could trust? Talk to? Laugh with?
    Mac sniffed. “I know. And I love you.”
    I decided to break up the serious tone, so I twisted my face and dropped into my best Southern accent. “Now, now. Let’s not go getting all mushy and lovey-dovey. This is a vacation. It ain’t nothing but fun and games.”
    Mac laughed. “Please. I don’t even talk like that anymore. I stopped when I became famous because my agent didn’t want me to be typecast as the little Southern girl.”
    “Yeah, but it’s still fun to do,” I said with a grin.
    Cassie nodded. “It really is.”
    We finished eating and discussed where we’d split up for the day. Mac’s final words were like a promise and a threat, wrapping me up in a flurry of emotion I couldn’t seem to untangle.
    “By the time this vacation is over, none of us will be the same. It’s going to be legendary. You both just have to make sure you live it to its fullest, like I am. Promise me.”
    Cassie looked doubtful, but I nodded in agreement. After all, I

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