really reaching for the stars when they levied such immeasurable fines against your nation that the debt with interest has reach such a level that it is enough to buy the whole Sss system and the neighboring Li Colony to go with it six times over. My cousin Katerina has been conversing with experienced lawyers, they looked over the court decision and discovered that the Duke, in trying to acquire the Sss system at any cost, was actually digging his own grave. The way the settlement was worded, it was 'to be paid to the official representative of the Orange House in the Sss system.' I suspect that the Duke was secretly planning on this being himself or an appointee.
But there's a great way out here: if the Ravaash race voluntarily agrees to join the Orange House of the Empire, formally paying off the penalty with their system, then the debt doesn't make any more sense, because the Orange House cannot owe money to itself. I will be the official Orange House viceroy. Well, maybe not me, but whatever Orange House representative I appoint. Right after that, the debt will be considered void, the situation regularized, and the restriction on ore export will be removed. Further, the Chameleons themselves will decide what to do with the strategically important materials, so necessary for the construction of any starship. If I were you, I would start exporting tantalum to the Iseyek. That would significantly speed up the construction of their huge ships. I'm sure the Swarm will find a way to pay for it. Everyone benefit s: the Swarm will finish their starships ahead of schedule and save more egg clutches; the Ravaash will finally have the ability to trade after so many years of blockade; and I, as viceroy, will receive my share of the profits in the form of taxes that will now have to be paid as an Orange House system. I even agree to collect the taxes not in money, but armor plates or tantalum concentrate, as I need materials for building starships."
After my very radical proposal, a long silence lingered.
"Eight million tons of tantalum concentrate..." the praying mantis admiral was the first to break the silence. "Yes, that to be inportant for my nation. Swarm very buy thisss materyal. As fast as posssible to buy. At Imperial pricccesss that is sssomething... twell-ve billion credit. My nation have this people money for pay. But no ssshhhip for transssport this ore."
"I can find the necessary number of ore freighters," I promised. "And I can even arrange an armed convoy to get it to its destination with no issues. Now everything depends on the Chameleons. Popori de Cacha, I offer your nation protection from Duke Paolo royl Anjer's claims, the unblocking of all accounts, the end of a drawn-out conflict, and free trade. In return, the Ravaash race must officially become an Orange House vassal and declare me viceroy of the Sss star system. And another thing: I know that your kind suffers from a lack of inhabitable land. This is why I am prepared to give the Ravaash nation a large fertile island on Unatari in perpetual use, where you can live and raise your descendants."
Popori de Cacha went into "thinking" mode again from the mental overexertion. And meanwhile, I took an incoming call. From the fleet headquarters, they informed me that Warhawk-4 had returned from repair and that my daughter Likanna was on board. It turned out that they were able to jump to Tesse before the station security had obeyed my order to turn off the beacon.
"Tell the captain of Warhawk-4 , Tamara Vuzhek, that I invite her to join the celebration. Let her and Lika head to Roben royl Inoky's flying palace. A shuttle is flying out for them now."
I signed off and looked back at the head of my guard. Popori de Cacha was standing with closed eyes as before, thinking over my unexpected proposition. Meanwhile, I had time to take one more call. It was the head of the Tesse Security Service, reporting to the new regent that all of Duke Paolo royl Anjer’s
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