have a private conversation. I pointed the Alpha Iseyek to the park path that wound between the bushes, and we followed it until we were at a reasonable distance from the noisy crowd. The huge dark-colored praying mantis was carrying a glass of wine in each of his small arms, but I never saw the admiral take a drink.
"My Princcce, Swarm wanteded to ask I to finded out your plan. Ten ssstandard hours ago, Alien is attack Kej sssyssstem and capture without resissstanccce. Big ssshhhip with eggs alssso is dessstroy. Swarm think Alien not ssstay long in Kej. As sssoon as Alien finissshhh clear underground cities Swarm, Alien will go more far."
"Admiral, and why wasn't the Kej warp beacon turned off if there really was a threat of Alien invasion?" Such negligence looked very strange. I had absolutely no idea how they could still be so careless.
"Princcce Georg, Swarm already many day is apply your method. Sssince when was capture Hnelle. Beacon Kej was yes turn off too. But thisss no stop Alien."
"I don't understand. How did the Alien ships get into a closed system?"
"Sssmall ssshhhip that is not to ssseee, come to sssee and ssstart beacon. Sssystem defender go kill frigate Alien and beacon extinguish. But very fassst whole fleet come and kill all. Is video, thisss episssode."
I stopped sharply. A cloaked Alien frigate had activated a beacon to make way for the invasion fleet? It was very unpleasant news. Who could guarantee now that the Aliens hadn't already sent out their invisible ships to every point in the Imperial transportation network? Even turning off all the warp beacons wouldn't stop an invasion fleet in that case.
"Admiral, I really need that video, as the changing tactics of the Aliens presents a threat to everything alive in both Imperial and Swarm territory. But, as for my plans, I am prepared to fulfill my obligations to the Iseyek. As soon as the situation around the Tesse star system clears up, the Sector Eight Fleet will head for Swarm territory. I will not guarantee that my fleet will fight with the Aliens or liberate even one of the systems, but I am preparing to study the situation from the front. If an opportunity to attack should present itself, I will absolutely make use of it. And also... Popori de Cacha!"
The Chameleon, who had only recently washed up and gotten his ability to camouflage himself back, appeared a step from me. The head of my guard was also holding a glass of wine in his hand, which he had learned to make go invisible with him.
"Popori de Cacha, I know that you are considered an influential authority among the Ravaash nation, and you are probably perfectly well informed on your species' affairs. Tell me, how much tantalum concentrate do you have ready for export on your planet, Sss? I suspect that after forty years of Orange House embargo and export difficulties, there should be a significant amount backed up..."
The Chameleon kept silent for a long time. I even started thinking Popori de Cacha might not know the answer. But, as it turned out, I was right again.
"After converting to units understood by people, there are around eight million tons of enriched tantalum concentrate ready for export. There are also finished armored plates for starships, and an enormous quantity of ore. Nevertheless, I ask the Prince to explain why an Orange House aristocrat would express such a strange interest. Does your Highness have the authority to overrule the Orange House court decision?"
"I cannot overrule it. Though, on the other hand, there's nothing stopping me from carrying it out to its logical conclusion and solving the many-year-long conflict. On my orders, Katerina ton Mesfelle looked into the old case. Based on what she found, the patent violation was just the formal reason for a financial attack on the Ravaash people. Duke Paolo royl Anjer then bought out all the Chameleon debts and right holders. It cost him around seven hundred thousand credits. But the greedy Duke's lawyers were
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