Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts

Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts by Charlie Cochet

Book: Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
Tags: gay romance
green eyes. A thought seemed to have occurred to him. “When your family came, your mom whispered something to you. What did she say?”
    Quinn felt his cheeks go hot. “She said I should keep you.”
    Spencer’s smile widened. “You nodded after she said that.”
    “I did,” Quinn confessed. “I told her I just might.”
    A wicked look came onto Spencer’s face. “Might?” He reached into the nightstand and brought back lube and a condom. “Guess I’ll have to convince you I’ve got more to offer than just my awesome cooking skills.”
    “Oh, I know you do.” Quinn pulled Spencer down so he could kiss him. “But a little demonstration wouldn’t hurt. Plus, you know, it’s my birthday.”
    Spencer laughed. “Oh, it’s like that, huh?”
    He kissed Quinn, then shifted back before pouring lube into his hands. With one hand he took hold of Quinn’s painful erection; with the other he prepped himself. Quinn was mesmerized by Spencer inserting his fingers into himself, his ass high in the air. He’d never seen anything more erotic. Spencer pumped Quinn’s cock, his soft moans and pants getting Quinn so close to coming, he had to stop him.
    Releasing Quinn, Spencer positioned himself. He was always careful with Quinn’s leg. Straddling Quinn’s lap, he carefully lined Quinn up to his entrance before pushing himself down against the head, both of them groaning at the sweet torture of having Spencer slowly lowering himself. Sweat beaded Quinn’s brow, and he placed his hands on Spencer’s thighs. Damn, it felt so good. Inch by agonizing inch, Spencer’s body swallowed Quinn until he was sitting against him.
    “Fuck.” Quinn slid his hands up to grip Spencer’s waist, his fingers pressing against soft white skin.
    “My pleasure.”
    Spencer rocked forward, and Quinn was lost. He gave himself over completely to Spencer, who moved against him slowly at first before picking up speed. Soon he was rising up and impaling himself on Quinn’s cock. Curses in two languages escaped Quinn as he thrust up into Spencer. The bed moved beneath them, and Quinn thought he would come when Spencer took hold of his cock and started jerking himself off as he bounced on Quinn.
    “Oh yeah, that’s it. Fuck, that’s hot.”
    Spencer’s skin was flushed from his shoulders up to his cheeks. His panting breath and moans were music to Quinn’s ears.
    “Oh God, yes.” Quinn nodded fervently, his hips losing their rhythm as he fucked Spencer. The sight of his lean body, his hand pumping himself, his hair falling over his brow and his lips parted in ecstasy, had Quinn’s muscles tightening with his impending orgasm.
    Spencer cried out as he came, spurts of white coating Quinn’s chest. It was enough to bring Quinn’s orgasm thundering through, and he pulled Spencer down against him as he pumped himself deep inside, drawing out Spencer’s orgasm. Quinn let out a slew of curses as he came long and hard. He continued to thrust into Spencer until he became too sensitive.
    Their heavy breaths mingled as Spencer lay on Quinn, nuzzling his neck and stroking his arm. “So am I a keeper?”
    Quinn chuckled. He kissed Spencer’s brow. “You were a keeper long before the sex.”
    “Good. I’m thinking I might keep you around.”
    “Is that so?” Quinn rolled over, pinning Spencer beneath him. Spencer laughed and nodded. He ran his fingers down Quinn’s stubbly jaw, affection in his eyes.
    “How do you say ‘stay with me’ in Spanish?”
    Quinn took hold of Spencer’s hand and kissed his fingers, his gaze on Spencer’s when he replied, “Quédate conmigo.”
    Spencer placed a tender kiss to Quinn’s lips. “That.”
    Quinn didn’t know when it had happened, but somewhere between the brownies and the striptease, Spencer had snuck his way into Quinn’s heart.

CHARLIE COCHET is an author by day and artist by night. Always quick to succumb to the whispers of her wayward muse, no star is out of

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