Between Us Girls

Between Us Girls by Sally John

Book: Between Us Girls by Sally John Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally John
His latest indiscretion? True, it was some months ago, but still, not good. He arrive home in the middle of the night, intoxicated.” She whispered the last word. “He cannot open the front gate. He shout and shout until Keagan hear him. Then Olivia wake up, and he fall into the fountain. This time she say he is on probation. She will evict him if it happens again. I do not understand how he think he can win Piper’s heart—Oh, dear, now I am a gossip.”
    â€œI won’t tell anyone.”
    Inez laughed and patted her arm. “Everybody know, querida . Just like everybody know I enter the United States illegally.”
    â€œI didn’t know that.”
    â€œNo.” She winked. “But I did hear that your ancestors were royalty in Spain.”
    Inez laughed again, a sound like tiny wind chimes. “That is a much better story. Piper tell you this.”
    â€œYes, she did.” Jasmyn thought how Piper had been her source for juicy tidbits. Liv never divulged personal details. Coco was too absent. Riley was too wrapped up in caring for Tasha to gossip. Sam made smart-aleck observations but probably did not know many juicy tidbits. “Tell me about your background.”
    â€œOh, the royalty was many, many centuries ago. It matters nothing. Are you going to ride these things?” Inez gestured toward the wide sidewalk.
    Through a wall of passersby, Jasmyn caught a glimpse of Tasha and hermother in line to ride Alice in Wonderland’s giant twirling teacups. Her stomach knotted. “Uh, I’ll sit this one out.”
    â€œToo much hot dog and flying Dumbo?”
    Jasmyn laughed. “Maybe.”
    â€œYou are like a little girl having fun. This is good for you. You are in a very difficult time of life.”
    She shrugged. “It’s not too bad.” Well, two days ago had been completely, totally bad, but she had survived, hadn’t she? “I lost my things in the storm, but I didn’t get hurt. No one did.”
    â€œDo not underestimate the devastation of this loss. Your home is gone. You have been wounded.” She touched her chest. “Deep inside.”
    Jasmyn shrugged again, her throat tight.
    â€œGood news, Jasmyn! You are not alone. Many of us at the Casa arrive in much pain. Riley’s husband divorce her. He not deal well with his little Tasha’s needs.” She made a tsking noise. “Noah, his wife leave him. Piper’s fiancé is killed in Afghanistan. Samantha, she runs from something. Olivia is a widow too soon.” She shook her head. “Sad stories everywhere. But that makes us good together, like family.”
    â€œWhat about you?”
    â€œNot so sad after I meet Louis. But before…” Inez leaned forward and whispered. “My father was a bracero , a guest farmworker in the United States. World War II time. After, he does not get green card and he go home, to Mexico. There, much poverty for us, and he is ill. I am seventeen and—oh, mi Dios .” She crossed herself. “I pay a coyote to bring me here to work.”
    â€œA coyote?”
    â€œA man. He sneak people into the country. Everyone at home and my auntie in San Diego give me money to pay him. I live with Auntie and I get a job and I pay them all back.” She straightened and spoke in a normal tone. “My job is at the Casa de Vida.”
    â€œThe Casa!”
    â€œYes! I am cleaning lady for Olivia’s father. She is young girl. Funny and smart. Tall. So tall.”
    â€œHow did you get a job?”
    â€œMr. McAlister, he not check identification, but I think he know.” She shrugged. “He is desperate for a cleaning lady. And then…” She paused,a smile lighting up her face. “One day I take a walk on the pier and I meet Louis Templeton. Oh! Such a handsome navy man.”
    â€œLove at first sight?”
    â€œ Si . Love at first sight. I speak no inglés . His

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