Between My Thighs: An Urban Erotic Tale

Between My Thighs: An Urban Erotic Tale by Naija

Book: Between My Thighs: An Urban Erotic Tale by Naija Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naija
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and cleaned his plate.
    Afterward, we bathe each other and ventured out. Troy wasn’t interested in sightseeing, but had done such a marvelous job showing me around New York, I felt compelled to at least show him some parts of Detroit.
    We hung out on Detroit’s promenade down in Hart Plaza, looking over into Canada before driving to Belle Isle. I loved being by the water. I’d prepared a nice picnic basket full of deli-style sandwiches. We enjoyed lunch in the midst of each other’s presence, watching motorists out on their boats and jet skis.
    Later that evening, Troy got an urgent phone call. Something happened on one of his job sites, and he had to get back, cutting his seven-day trip with me into a short three-day visit. It was down to the last twenty-four hours before Troy would be heading back to New York. I didn’t want him to leave and was already beginning to feel depressed.
    When we returned to my house, I started preparing our dinner. Troy helped me set the table and peeled the potatoes. I was cooking red snapper marinated in scotch bonnet and fresh garlic with jerk shrimp, mashed potatoes, wild rice, veggies, plantain, and a cheesecake with cherry topping for dessert.
    While the food cooked, we started a game of Scrabble, accompanied by a bottle of red wine. I didn’t have anyone with whom to play board games, so this was new to me. Troy was teaching me the concept of the game. I didn’t think it would be difficult. I could think of several words that I could create to beat Troy.
    “This should be easy for you,” he said.
    “Why is that?”
    “Well, you’re the doctor. You know more words than I do,” he said and smiled.
    I’d never been sure if my education bothered Troy. I had been to college, had my doctorate, and Troy hadn’t even graduated from high school.
    “That doesn’t have anything to do with this game right here.” I laughed.
    “Does it bother you?” Troy asked.
    “What’s that?”
    “That I didn’t finish high school,” he said.
    “No. Does it concern you?”
    “Sometimes. I’ve come so far with my business and all. I just feel like I don’t need a diploma or it doesn’t make sense to go back now.”
    “The decision is yours, sweetie. I’m an advocate of education, so I would argue that it’s never too late to continue. You have to want it.”
    His lack of credentials didn’t alarm me at this stage of my life. It wasn’t that I had settled, merely just grown and adapted my thought process to what was reality. Truthfully, a lot of decent men out there were overlooked because they didn’t have Harvard degrees. I wasn’t about to second-guess Troy. He knew how to treat me, and I respected him. He definitely wasn’t an ignorant man. He had created an empire with his business and was making it happen.
    Troy was devoted to his work. I didn’t need a man for stability. I was already stable. I wanted a man to love me and satisfy my sexual cravings. Troy did that.
    “That isn’t a word,” I exclaimed as Troy spelled out pulchritudinous .
    “Of course it is,” he said, amused.
    “What does it mean?”
    He tossed me the dictionary and replied, “Look it up.”
    I searched for his word, and it was there. It meant having great beauty or appeal. Troy continued to dazzle me with the words and messages he created on the Scrabble board. I was impressed. His vocabulary, conversation, and personality intrigued me. I hungered to discover more about this man.
    When the game was over, I had lost, but I wasn’t a sore loser. Dinner was served.
    • • •
    The morning of Troy’s departure was harder than we intended. I held back tears as we kissed good-bye. We had had a fun-filled, romantic, and erotic weekend. Seeing Troy leave gave me an awkward feeling inside. As I watched him walk away, I knew I was moving to New York.

    Chapter 10|
    For the next few months, I drowned myself in my work, staying away from Dorian. I was trying to control my emotions for Troy, so I

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