Between a Jock and a Hard Place: A Romance Novella

Between a Jock and a Hard Place: A Romance Novella by Mona Ingram

Book: Between a Jock and a Hard Place: A Romance Novella by Mona Ingram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Ingram
He’s going to tell Mom and Dad tomorrow after I’m gone.”
    “Take it easy, kiddo. Remember, I love
    “Love you too, Zo. Talk to you later.”
    * * *
    “So explain this to me again.” Cassie
and Jack were walking along the seawall the next morning. “You met this girl
here, on the seawall, and she didn’t recognize you?”
    “That’s right.”
    “What did that do to your ego?”
    “Nothing.” He gave her a sideways glance
and realized she was kidding. “Come on, Sis. I’m trying to explain this to
    “Okay, okay. Don’t be so touchy.”
    Jack continued. “Her twin brother is a
hockey player in the minors and he got a concussion.”
    “Is he available?”
    “Lighten up, Logan. Okay, so she’s got a
brother who was injured, and she starts to blog about it. And in the meantime,
you’re thinking she just might be the one.”
    Jack felt a blush creep up his neck.
    She took his arm. “It’s written all over
your face, you big goof. I just wanted you to confirm it, that’s all.”
    Jack gave his head a shake. “Let’s stick
to the facts.”
    “Excuse me. Seems to me that my big
brother falling hard for someone is rather factual. But okay, we’ll leave that
for now.” Cassie held up her free hand, bending a finger each time she made a
point. She bent one finger. “She decides to ratchet it up on her blog.” A
second finger. “You post a flaming response.” A third finger. “You lose the
game and you’re out of the playoffs.” Another finger. “You charge into the
newspaper office where you learn she’s the one blogging on the other side.” She
looked at her hand. “I’m running out of fingers here, Boyo.”
    He expelled a breath. “That’s about it.”
    “Come on, Jack. You’ve got to be
kidding. I can understand that you were emotional about losing the series, but
get a grip! You’re going to lose someone you’re in love with over a silly thing
like this?”
    “I didn’t say I was in love with her.”
    “Jack Logan, you’re such an idiot. Of
course you’re in love with her. We wouldn’t be having this conversation
otherwise. As Cher said in that movie: ‘Snap out of it.’”
    He stopped in his tracks and looked at
his sister. “Damn it, Cassie, you’re right. Why couldn’t I figure that out?”
    “Because you’ve got your head so far up
your own ass you can probably see daylight.”
    He pulled out his cell phone. “When did
you get such a potty mouth?”
    “Since I started working with a roomful
of women. Just call her.”
    Jack listened, then disconnected. He
stared at the phone for a moment. “There’s a message on there that she’s out of
town but I don’t want to leave a voicemail. I want to at least talk to her.”
    “So who do you know that can tell us
where she’s gone?”
    He gave her a blank look. “That’s just
it. I don’t know...unless...”
    “Unless what?”
    “Randy might know. He’s the guy at the
newspaper.” He checked his watch. “Let’s go over there right now. I’m more
likely to get an answer if we show up in person.”
    * * *
    Jack stormed into the Phoenix office and
took the stairs to the mezzanine two at a time. Cassie was close behind.
    “Hi, Jack.” Randy’s gaze slid from Jack
to Cassie and recognition flared in his eyes.
    “Randy.” Jack leaned on the desk. “Can
you tell me how to get in touch with Claire?”
    The editor shoved back his chair. “I
don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”
    Jack took a deep breath. He should have
known that he couldn’t just come barging in here and expect miracles. He backed
up a bit. “It’s personal, Randy.” There was that damn blush again. “I want to
apologize to her and there’s a message on her voicemail that she’s left town.”
    “Look, man. I’d help you if I could. You
two boosted circulation by about two hundred percent not to mention the hits on
the blog, but I didn’t even know she was out of town.” He

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