Betrayals of Spring

Betrayals of Spring by L.P. Dover

Book: Betrayals of Spring by L.P. Dover Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.P. Dover
They are long gloves
     stretching up to my elbows where only my upper arms and shoulders are left
     bare. I figured they might keep me somewhat warmer than if I went without.
    “Mel, hurry up or we’re going to be
     late,” Finn yells from outside the bedroom door. My heart jumps and it feels
     like it’s in my throat from being startled unexpect-edly. Maybe my heart feels
     like that because I’m nervous, who knows?
    I grab my bow and arrows from the floor
     and my black cloak that is splayed out across the bed. The cloak will cover my
     dress until one of the servants will no doubt take it from me. I wonder what
     Kalen is going to say when he sees me.
    I stop at the bedroom door and I take a
     deep breath. Here I go,I say to myself. I open the door to step out
     into the hall and I peer around the corner. Finn has done what I asked and has
     worn his long, white-blond hair down. His black tuxedo is very elegant. He
     looks ethereal with his appearance, but also devilish wearing black. It’s not
     long before they all notice me staring at them from around the corner. I am met
     with three sets of bulging eyes the minute I step into view.
    Finn snaps out of it first and gives me
     an enticing grin when he calls out, “Meliantha, you look amazing.” I can’t help
     but laugh, and I soak up the compliment by twirling around in my dress to give
     them the full view. Finn marches over to take my cloak and holds it open for me
     to slide into.
    “You do realize this is a black and
     white affair, Princess?” Ashur utters silently.
    I glance over at him and he’s shaking
     his head in disbelief. I shrug my shoulders at him and taunt back
     sarcastically, “I guess I didn’t see that on the invitation, Ashur.” I
     put my hand over my mouth, “Whoops.”
    “You know you’re getting just as bad as
     Ariella with breaking the rules.”
    Thinking about it, this would be
     something she would do. The thought brings a smile to my face and Ashur quickly
     pipes in, “Laugh about it now, Princess, but we will see who is laughing
     when they throw you out of the ballroom.”
    I wave him off and turn our conversation
    “They will do no such thing,” I tease.
    I see Elissa waiting by the door looking
     ravishing in a black jewel-encrusted gown. She smiles as I approach.
    “Ashur giving you a hard time?” she
    “Doesn’t he always?” I reply back.
    “You look beautiful, Meliantha.” She
     looks down at my hand and sees the bow and arrows I have clutched in my grasp.
     “Do you really think you will need those tonight?” she asks dubiously. I hope
     not, but with the way things are going, I probably will.
    I shrug my shoulders at her and confess
     softly, “You never know, Elissa. That’s one thing I’ve learned…you never know.”
     I give her a warm smile. “You look amazing tonight.” She blushes and waves me
    She doesn’t seem frightened at all about
     the dark sorcerer being around and for some reason that bothers me. She could
     easily be a target just like Ashur and Finn could be. We all saw how easy it
     was for the dark sorcerer to infiltrate his way into Finn’s body.
    “Come on ladies, we need to go,” Finn
     urges while gently pushing me toward the door.
    “OK, OK, let’s go,” I give in.
    Ashur opens the door and a blast of cold
     wind comes rushing in sending shivers racing down my body. I grit my teeth to
     keep them from chattering. I hate the cold weather. I notice two warriors
     stationed outside the door on both sides and I kindly give them both a nod.
     They bow their heads before preparing to escort us to the palace. I appreciate
     the added security, but I also hate it because it makes me look helpless.
     There’s nothing they can do against the dark sorcerer, or any of us for that
     matter, because unfortunately no one has figured out how to destroy him.
    Finn takes my arm and walks me down the
     steps. I take a quick peek over at Kalen’s cabin and it

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