Bethany's Heart (Unearthly World Book 3)

Bethany's Heart (Unearthly World Book 3) by C. L. Scholey

Book: Bethany's Heart (Unearthly World Book 3) by C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Scholey
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her face.
    Bethany held her breath as long as possible before gasping in air. She knew she was underwater. The creature was over top of her, her breasts were crushed to his chest. She didn’t feel the telltale thickness of him below and guessed for travel he tucked his manhood away. That was fine with her; the water was hard enough to comprehend.
    The tiny bubbles swirling around her nose and mouth invaded her. They burst with air, filling her lungs. She wasn’t drowning. The creature noticed her staring up at him. His mouth opened to produce more air filled bubbles. Without them she knew she would die.
    Into the air they jumped, rolling under the sky only to land with a splash, sluicing under water. Again into the air, a graceful freefall to torpedo the glass surface. Bethany’s heart pounded until the creepy sensation of his heart thumping against hers touched her breast. Before long she was certain the two hearts pounded in unison. The sound filled her ears; the sweetest air bubbles filled her lungs as she let him breathe for her. They became one.
    Bethany wasn’t certain how long they traveled; when reaching patches of marsh grassland, he jumped. Back into the water, his movements were dolphin-like. In their water cocoon she could see his bottom fin swishing, forming a rudder. The water was suddenly clear and clean. As strange as her situation was, Bethany calmed. If the man-creature wanted her dead she would be already, he would have drowned her in seconds. Bethany marveled at the aquatic sea life swimming alongside or trailing behind. Smallish fish came close to caress the creature then backed off just as quickly. Nothing touched Bethany. When a sea creature came too close to her, a warning sound from her captor’s mouth was enough to send it scooting away.
    Odd sea creatures Bethany had never seen swam close with curiosity. She shivered when she noted spikes on one and tiny needle noses on others that would certainly give a nasty mark. Suction cups on a snake sea creature came too close and in one fluid movement her captor’s dorsal fin turned deadly and sliced it in half. Yellow blood or mucus pooled for only seconds as the dead sea creature was left far behind. The other water life kept its distance after that. Bethany was grateful; her situation was almost too strange to comprehend without adding sea animals.
    A last jump and Bethany felt her feet settle onto solid land. The swirling water abated until gone. She no longer felt his heartbeat; he no longer gave her breath. Bethany stood staring at the creature. He was no longer puffed to a great width. His legs were powerful, his feet webbed at his three large grayish toes. Each toe had two holes on the tips and as she watched, four sharp dark needles shot forward. Bethany squealed when she heard something behind her drop. A small orange blob toppled over sideways and didn’t move. Her mouth formed an O and for a second the strange word he chose led her to understand the creature was dangerous to her.
    Cloudy grey eyelids concealing his eyes opened to reveal a stunning blue. His facial features were regal, high cheek bones, flaring nostrils, murky colored full lips. If he had eyebrows she couldn’t tell. His hair was as white as Finn’s in a silkier way. The hands holding her were firm, webbed and when she studied them closer he had five fingers but the baby finger on each hand was fused to the next finger, giving the appearance of four fingers. His gaze was stern.
    “Do you understand my words, Gorgano female?”
    Bethany took a step back and shook her head violently. “No, not Gorgano female.” She was appalled he would even think such a thing.
    “Then how do you understand me? How do you come to speak my language?”
    Good question.
    Bethany tried to grasp his language in her thoughts; Finn had told her the Gorgano did something to a human brain allowing it to expand with knowledge. “Gorgano mind fight.” Was all she could muster. His tone, his

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