Best Friends Rock!

Best Friends Rock! by Cindy Jefferies Page A

Book: Best Friends Rock! by Cindy Jefferies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Jefferies
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England,” he said. “But then he spoke to Mom on the phone and she loved the idea. She’d so like me to become more of a European! After all, I was born in England, but have hardly ever been here. Anyway, after that Dad spoke to a few friends and found out that several of them had good things to say about the school. It seems to have a great reputation for academic work, and for training great performers, and it’s a boarding school, so they know I’ll be looked after okay.”
    â€œThe school we go to in the States doesn’t specialize in music,” chipped in Connor. “So this one will be much better for you.” He frowned. “Though I’ll miss you if you get in here.”
    â€œI’ll be home in the vacations,” said Joe. “If I get accepted that is.”
    â€œYou’ll get in,” Connor said, “I bet you will.”
    â€œFingers crossed,” said Ellie.
    With so much excitement Ellie had almost forgotten about Hannah coming home. Almost, but not quite. She hoped more and more to get a message from her, but still nothing turned up. She wondered if she ought to send another herself, but didn’t want to push it. If Hannah wanted to get in touch she would.
    Ellie was filled with equal amounts of anticipation and sadness the day before Hannah was due back. Anticipation, because she refused to give up hope for their friendship, and sadness, because on that same day, Connor, Joe and Rocky were flying off to Germany on the next leg of the tour.
    She’d so enjoyed herself with the boys, but this was their last night together. Now it was getting late. They’d been out for a meal, and were going to hail a cab to take Ellie home.
    â€œI’ve had a lovely time,” she told them wistfully as they stood in the warm night air, waiting for a cab to come by. “The gig was fun, you gave me material for a great article, Joe, and, well…” She turned to Connor. “I’m so glad I met you at the hotel that day.”
    â€œMe too,” said Connor.
    â€œAnd keep in touch, both of you,” she added. “Let me know about Rockley Park. I’ll have all my fingers and toes crossed for you.”
    â€œThanks,” said Joe, giving her a big hug. “Thanks for being a good friend.”
    â€œI don’t know about that,” she mumbled into his T-shirt, hugging him back.
    Joe caught sight of a cab as he let her go and stepped out to flag it down. While he did that, Connor took the opportunity to give her a hug himself. “You’ll text me, won’t you?” he said. “And you’ll find me on Facebook?”
    â€œYes,” she said, feeling near to tears. “Of course I will.”
    â€œAnd don’t worry about your friend tomorrow. If Joe and I can make up I’m sure you and Hannah can!”
    There was no time for anything else. The cab was there, and the door was open. She climbed in and Connor closed the door. Ellie fumbled to put her seat belt on, feeling bereft already. The last she saw of them was Connor’s face, looking as sad as she felt, waving until the cab went round the corner. Then the boys were right out of sight.

    Sunday morning came much too soon. What with missing Connor and being worried about seeing Hannah again Ellie really didn’t want to go with her mum to pick Hannah and her parents up from the airport. It would be a squash in the car, and if they weren’t going to be friends again it would be awful, but Georgia seemed to be totally confident that things would be fine between them.
    â€œSkulking at home while I collect her family won’t help anything,” she said to Ellie. “You have to face things in life, not run away from them. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and you still want to be friends. If Hannah feels differently that’s up to her, but don’t behave as if she doesn’t like you any more. That’s just

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