Beside the Brook

Beside the Brook by Paulette Rae

Book: Beside the Brook by Paulette Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paulette Rae
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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wasn’t a two year gap between them. It was as if they came from the same egg. He was like her shadow.” She smiled. “That’s part of the reason why I sent Brook to boarding school when we came to New Zealand. And I think that’s why he and Jamie don’t get on,” she paused and sighed. “Sometimes the bond of siblings can be stronger than that of a man and his wife.”
    Kirsten pondered Beth’s last statement. It would explain why Jamie and Tyler hated each other. Tyler must resent Jamie for taking Brook away from him, and Jamie possibly felt Tyler had been too close to Brook, even after they were married. In which case neither of them was to blame; it was simply a rather unfortunate scenario. However it didn’t explain Jamie’s ongoing bitterness toward his in-laws. Something else lurked beneath the surface there.

    * * * *

    Dinner was an interesting event to say the least. Kirsten sat at the end of the table with Sarah, a quiet observer of the way Leigh and Tyler interacted. Leigh was like a teenager with a crush, obviously threatened by Kirsten’s presence in the household.
    “You’re a lot younger than the last nanny, Kirsty,” she said snidely. Much to Kirsten’s surprise it was Beth who jumped to her defense. “She’s doing wonderful things with Sarah, Leigh. I’m so pleased Tyler talked me into hiring someone younger this time.”
    Kirsten bit her lip to stop a smile, as the comment was plainly intended to upset Leigh further.
    “Well, that’s good for Sarah isn’t it?” If looks cast daggers Kirsten would have been on the floor bleeding to death.
    “I can’t take all the credit actually,” Kirsten said quietly. “Sarah is a wonderful student.” She smiled down at her ward. Sarah’s face turned a brilliant shade of pink as she stuffed a forkful of mashed potato into her mouth.
    “She takes after me, don’t you sweetie?” Tyler winked at his niece.
    “Don’t be silly,” Sarah said seriously. “You don’t have blonde hair.”
    Everyone at the table erupted into laughter. Kirsten was amazed at how Sarah could light up the room with her naïve commentary.

    * * * *

    After dinner Kirsten excused herself. It was obvious Leigh was uncomfortable with her around, and she didn’t feel comfortable always socialising with the family, given that she was the hired help. She knew they didn’t feel that way about her, but keeping a professional distance was something she had decided she should do as much as possible.
    When the sun had disappeared behind the hills Kirsten snuck down to the pool and slipped into the clear water. Solar lights, placed around the edge of the lawn, provided a dim glow. For Kirsten there was nothing more glorious than lying back watching the night sky, her hair flowing generously around her shoulders, suspended in the cool, lapping water. She could forget everything for a while; it was like her own magical world where only she and the soothing water existed. She had thought about going down to the jetty and wading out into the tide, but visions of the opening scene of the Jaws movie prevented her from doing so at night. She hadn’t quite built up the courage for that yet. If she had someone to swim with she may have attempted it, but alone it wouldn’t be as soothing as lying back in a pool, where she knew one hundred percent she was safe. She was a strong swimmer, but even that did nothing for her confidence when she thought about a great white bearing down on her at twenty feet. Beaming headlights that cut laser paths of light through the black air above her caught Kirsten’s attention and she swam to the edge of the pool to see who had arrived. It was Jamie. He pulled his body out of the blue hatchback, his long legs falling onto the path as if he was weary from his drive. He raked a hand through his sandy hair and reached into the back seat for his bag. Kirsten pushed herself from the side of the pool and continued to swim lazy backstroke lengths. Hearing the

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