
Beowulf by Neil Gaiman Page B

Book: Beowulf by Neil Gaiman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neil Gaiman
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    CAIN reaches out, tentatively, for a golden goblet, similar to the one Wealthow gave young Beowulf earlier.
    CUT TO:
    Guthric is standing at the door to his hall. Then, almost to his surprise, in comes Cain, edging towards him in a servile,
    scared sort of way. He is cradling the goblet, so it cannot be seen.
    I’m sorry I runned away, master. I brought you something -- what I found. Please don’t hurt me no more.
    CLOSE ON: Guthric’s face -- he says nothing, and then he viciously hits Cain.
    I thought you’d come back when you got hungry.
    Cain goes tumbling to the ground, WHIMPERING and MOANING and pleading.
    Sorry master, sorry, please no master, please no…
    Guthric kicks at the fallen Cain, and the Golden cup falls from his grasp, and rolls onto the snow.
    Brought it for you. Good master. Nice master. Sorry. Sorry.
    Guthric looks at Cain, and then reaches down and picks up the goblet.
    The weal across Cain’s face has started to heal and scab. He looks scared.
    Please don’t kill me.
    (taking the goblet)
    This is quite exquisite. Where did you find it?
    (too scared, initially to speak, he says nothing but points to the moors, then, nervously)
    Up there. On the moors--
    You didn’t steal it?
    I swear I didn’t master!
    Guthric holds the Goblet up to the light…
    CUT TO:
    The sea spray lashes the rocks in front of Beowulf’s castle. We are looking in at from the sea.
    There are A COUPLE OF GUARDS guarding the way. Old Wiglaf is standing beside Guthric, who is holding something wrapped in cloth at his side.
    Well, I really do not know, Guthric.
    It is vitally important that I see the King, Lord Wiglaf. I am certain that Beowulf wants to see what I have brought to him.
    Hmm…I, um, I’ll tell you what, Guthric, you leave it with me and I’ll make sure his majesty gets to see it. Yes?
    (keeping his temper but the effort is showing)
    No! Look, I have brought something for King Beowulf’s eyes. I’m not going to give it to just anyone and watch it vanish into thin air.
    I am not just anyone. I am the King’s chamberlain and I am certainly not going to
    For the last time, you doddering old coot! I have a gift for the King, and--
    But he is interrupted in his turn by King Beowulf. Who entered unnoticed.
    And you may at least show it to the king, Guthric.
    Thank you, your majesty. It was found on the moors, a gift fit for a King.
    He offers the goblet, still wrapped in oilcloth, to the King. King Beowulf unwraps the cloth.
    A fine piece, Guthric. Long it is since I have seen something as fine, and old. You found it, you say?
    One of my slaves found it. It is a gift for you, my lord.
    It reminds me of something…
    I thought perhaps we could talk again about my sister’s bride-price.
    CUT TO:
    Guthric draws his horse up outside his hall. He’s in a good mood, and is singing happily to himself…breaks off as he realizes there’s no-one there to meet him.
    (calling out)
    Cain! You good-for-nothing! Help me off my horse!
    (to himself)
    If he’s run away again…
    There’s a pause. No-one comes. The place is in silence. Smoke…or mist…hangs on the air.
    Hello? Anybody here? Gretchen? Children? Wilferth?
    But there is silence.
    Guthric slides off his horse, and walks into his
    There, in the courtyard, stand, in expressions of UTTER TERROR, as if caught trying to flee, standing and lying, CHARCOAL-BLACKENED, CARBONIZED CORPSES of Lady Guthric, children, slaves…but no

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