Behind Her Smile

Behind Her Smile by Rosemary Hines Page A

Book: Behind Her Smile by Rosemary Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemary Hines
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explaining about the five-year gap in age between her and Caleb.
    “So your brother is adopted?” he asked.
    She nodded. “I think I’d like to adopt a kid when I grow up.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she silently began chastising herself. When I grow up? Really? You sound like a little kid, she thought.
    But Miles didn’t seem to think anything of it. “That’s cool,” was his only reply.
    When they were halfway through the popcorn, there was a lull in their conversation, and Miles picked up a kernel and tossed it toward her mouth, saying “Catch!” She didn’t have time to react before it fell down inside of her sweater.
    “Oops, sorry about that,” he said with a grin. “Now where did that little bugger go?” he asked innocently, searching in her lap and the seat around her. “Uh oh,” he said innocently. “I think I know where it is.”
    “Oh you do, do you?”
    “Yeah.” He leaned over and lifted the bottom of her sweater. Out fell the kernel. He snatched it up. “Got it!” he said.
    She laughed and threw a piece at him. Amazingly, he caught it with his mouth. “Wanna know where it is?” he asked. Before she could answer, he leaned toward her. “Here, I’ll give it to you.” He kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue and slipping the popcorn kernel from his mouth to hers.
    “Whoa,” she replied, so impressed by the trick that she didn’t even mind his forwardness.
    “Toss me another one,” he said, repeating the same trick again. But this time, he didn’t pull away from her after the kiss. Instead, he leaned into it, and so did she. One kiss led to another, and soon Madison felt her heart starting to race a little.
    “Got any more popcorn up here?” he asked in a throaty whisper as he worked his hand up her sweater, fingering her bra.
    Madison didn’t know what to do. Her mind said stop but her body yearned for more. A knock on the window startled them both. Miles pulled away, and they both looked out the driver’s window. An older man was standing there.
    Miles lowered the window.
    “Would you guys mind taking it somewhere else?” the guy asked. “You’re blocking my driveway, and I need to pull out.”
    “Uh, sure. Sorry about that,” Miles said. He started the motor and pulled his seatbelt back on. Madison adjusted her clothes and belted herself in, too. As they drove off, she pulled out her cell phone and checked the time. 10:45.
    “I’d better get home,” she said. “My parents are expecting me by eleven.”
    He pulled over to the curb. “Are you sure? Maybe you could call them and say the game is running late.”
    She didn’t want to sound like she was still under her parents’ thumb at sixteen, but she also didn’t want to raise any questions that might lead to them discovering her deception. “I’m kind of tired, anyway,” she lied. “It’s been fun, though,” she added with a smile.
    “Yeah,” he replied, pulling her close for one last lingering kiss. “We’ll have to do this again soon.”
    As they drove up to the front of her house Madison said, “You can just drop me here. My parents are probably getting ready for bed.”
    “Okay,” he replied.
    She unlatched her seatbelt and reached over to retrieve her coat from the backseat. “So you have my number,” she said.
    “Yeah.” He didn’t say whether or not he’d call her over the weekend, and she wanted to get into the house as quickly as she could, just in case her dad peered out the window and saw an unfamiliar car.
    “Well, I’d better get inside.”
    He nodded. “See you Monday.”
    Her heart sank a little, but she tried to sound casual. “Sure. Monday.” She started to open the door.
    “No goodbye kiss?” he asked.
    “Oops. Yeah. Of course,” she replied, leaning over and giving him a quick kiss then pulling away before it could lead to another.
    Miles looked disappointed. “Bye,” he said.
    She got out of the car and leaned

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