Begin Again

Begin Again by Christy Newton

Book: Begin Again by Christy Newton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Newton
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
    â€œJust watch me.” He winked and went out the sliding door.
    Rose shrugged and followed him outside.
    Lauren, Ryan’s momma, placed her hand on Maisie’s arm. “Good to see you again. Thanks for the macaroni salad.”
    â€œYou’re welcome. It’s my sister’s recipe.” Maisie went out the door behind the rest of the group.
    They all helped themselves to the heaping piles of food on a folding table then had a seat on the bench that wrapped around the perimeter of the deck.
    Ryan’s dad told them about the drive there while everyone else had their mouths too full to comment.
    Maisie loved the tangy sweetness of the grilled-to-perfection barbecued hamburger. The man could grill. Just as she was finishing the last bite, Rose came over to her and smiled.
    â€œTake a walk with me?”
    Maisie’s stomach twisted. She’d already been put through the wringer by one sister today and wasn’t ready to be probed by another. “Okay.” She stood up and placed her empty plate into a trash bag Ryan had tied to a chair. She gave Ryan a pleading look to save her as she passed him.
    Rose walked through the house and out the front door. “Pleasant Valley seems to agree with my baby brother.”
    Maisie shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight. “He seems happy.” She walked beside Rose down the sidewalk.
    â€œI can’t say I’ve ever seen him so happy, and he’s a happy guy.” Her steps got slower. “You seem like a sweet girl. You know, my brother is ready to settle down, has been for a while.”
    Maisie swallowed. This was not the conversation she wanted to be having with Ryan, let alone his sister. “Why are you telling me this?”
    â€œBecause he’s brought you home to meet our parents, he’s invited you to his home, and I saw the way he was looking at you earlier.”
    Maisie’s breath caught as she tried to speak. “I … ”
    Ryan came up behind them before she could finish.
Thank goodness.
    â€œWhat are you two doing? The party’s in the back yard.” He flung his arm over his sister and steered her back toward the house.
    â€œGirl talk,” Rose said.
    Maisie let her words sink in as she followed them back. How did she feel about Rose’s revelation? Scared was the first word to come to mind.
    Once they were all back on the deck, Maisie decided to make her exit. “Well, thanks so much for having me. I really should be going. I have an early morning at the diner tomorrow.”
    James frowned. “Won’t you stay for dessert? Lauren made her famous apple pie.”
    â€œThanks, but I’m really full,” Maisie said as she patted her stomach.
    â€œThen I’ll wrap you up a piece to take home.” Lauren rushed off before she could object.
    Empty dish and piece of pie in hand, Ryan followed her to her car. “Is everything okay?” He paused to hand her the plate his momma had sent out with him. “Was it something my sister said?”
    Maisie forced a smile. “Everything is fine. I’m just tired from painting today.”
    Ryan hesitated but then stepped out of the way so she could get into her car. “Okay, well, be careful.”
    â€œI will.” Maisie slowly backed her car out of the drive and pulled onto the street. Her mind raced at her options. She could give Ryan a chance and see if they could become a couple. She could run away to Rwanda with her parents. Or she could pretend like the conversation with Ryan’s sister had never taken place. The closer she got to home, the better option three sounded.
    â€¢ • •
    After Ryan hugged his parents goodbye, he pulled Rose aside. “What did you say to Maisie?”
    Rose shrugged. “I told you, girl stuff.”
    Ryan loved his sister, but if she had something to do with Maisie leaving, he wanted to know about it. “She bolted out of here right

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