Beg Me
the table. A light tickling sensation skated over her sensitive skin, bringing goose bumps. From her chin, down her sides, around her knee, ankle, to the tip of her toes, he teased her into a state of complete arousal, but it came with gentle waves instead of violent tsunamis. Ah, she could do this all day. Pure heaven. If only he—
    The feather traced the line of her bare pussy, the crease between thigh, and slowly, touched the tip of her clit.
    She jerked. Her eyes flew open.
    His face was implacable, but a glint of amusement lit his ocean blue eyes. “You will not open your eyes, Cara, or you will be punished. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Your body is stunning. You were meant to be adorned with jewels. I’d choose rubies to go with your hair. Why don’t we see how you’d look?”
    She held her breath and heard rustling from the right side. Heart pounding madly, she waited for his touch. His fingers closed around her hard nipple, stroking. She let out a sigh, and then his hot mouth sucked on her, his tongue flicking and lapping at the tight bud until it was long and hard and so sensitive.
    A pinch stabbed her nipple. Her tummy tightened and tumbled in a free-fall. God, it felt so strange. A good hurt. She heard the delicate tinkling of chains. “Gorgeous. Now the other one.”
    Cara wanted to open her eyes, but he hadn’t given permission. He treated the other breast to the same, licking and sucking, making the tip long, and then another pinch clamped around her nipple.
    “Stunning. Open your eyes, Cara. Look at yourself.”
    She obeyed. Tiny rubies hung from the nipple clamps and a gold chain loops both together. The tight, painful sensation softened, until her blood ran hot and thick, and arousal settled heavily between her thighs. Oh, God, she was so turned on, she needed desperately to come. She felt so sensitive, and needy. Rem tugged on the chain and a lightning streak of heat shot to her clit, wrestling a moan from her lips.
    “Ah, you like that. I’m glad. You may close your eyes again, Cara.”
    She whimpered. Her muscles clenched as he began to play. The feather dipped inside her, tickled her clit, then slid up her stomach to torture her nipples. Flicking the tips back and forth, she moaned and forced herself not to shoot up and demand her orgasm. Who would’ve thought a damn feather could make her want to rocket off the table?
    She had no idea where the next touch would land, and the not knowing made the waiting even more excruciating. Finally, the feather dipped into her navel, moved lower, and began to rotate around her clit. Again. Again. He tugged on the chain and her nipples flared to life.
    Uh, oh.
    Cara bore down and fought off the impending climax, but he was merciless. The gentle, steady manipulation was like a stream of a shower jet, and she panted, trying to maintain control.
    At the last minute, when she was ready to beg, he backed off.
    Thank God.
    Until a hot searing burn raked across her nipple.
    Cara arched under the sting. Pain, then pleasure exploded in waves. She was desperately trying to figure out what was happening, when the feather began the slow circling torture, and as her mind tried to cling to that sensation, another burning sting enveloped the tip of her other breast.
    A candle? Hot wax? Oh, god, she wasn’t going to make it.
    The play continued. Blistering heat. Coolness as the wax hardened. A slow circle around her clit. A drag of the feather over her pussy. Again. And again.
    Everything tensed up and drew tight, ready for release, but each time he brought her back from the edge and gave her a breather.
    “Oh, please,” she moaned, squeezing her eyes tight. She shook on the table, trying to maintain control. “Sir, I’m going to come.”
    “You will not.”
    Suddenly, a bitter cold object was pressed against her clit. Her hips jerked madly upward, and she screamed as an ice cube was slowly pushed into her hot, swollen pussy. The extreme mingling of hot

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