Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3)

Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3) by Virna Depaul

Book: Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3) by Virna Depaul Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virna Depaul
Tags: Bedding the Bachelors Book 3
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obviously afraid she was going to take his gesture with the clothes and throw it in his face.
    So no…she wasn’t going to chastise him and possibly ruin the memory of their splendid night together. She didn’t want to be part of the world he was born into; that didn’t mean she couldn’t accept a generous gift from him. She’d buy him dinner, she decided. And send him a gift in return once she got home.
    She grabbed the box with the capris, tank top, and jeweled flip-flops.
    “Thank you, Jamie. That was very thoughtful of you.”
    He grinned. “I’m sorry I forgot the champagne last night. I can have breakfast brought up but I wasn’t sure what you wanted. I’m normally partial to pancakes myself, but I hear they do a mean eggs Benedict here.”
    “Sounds great! I’ll have them charge it to my room.”
    He frowned, but before he could refuse her offer to pay, she said, “I’ll just shower and change. Do you mind if I make a call before breakfast?”
    “Of course not.” He looked curious, but had enough manners not to ask any questions.
    She hesitated, then said, “I want to check on Milly.”
    “Your sister’s daughter?”
    Lucy nodded. “Yes. I—I’ve called every few days to check in on her. And I’m hoping that Mason’s sister will agree to let me visit her soon. Even if I don’t have a relationship with my mother and father...well…”
    “So you have no plans to mend your relationship with your parents?”
    Now it was her turn to frown. “It isn’t a matter of wanting anything. Our relationship was damaged beyond repair over a decade ago. It was clear at both the hospital and the funeral that Gail’s death hasn’t changed that.”
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you with my question. It’s just…it’s obvious you care about Milly. With Gail gone…” He shook his head and waved a hand. “Never mind. If you ever want to share your feelings about your family, Lucy, I’m here. Last night doesn’t change anything. I’m still your friend.”
    “Thanks, Jamie,” she said quietly. “I appreciate that.”
    She quickly showered and dressed, then used the phone in the bedroom to call Mason’s sister, Diana, who had custody of Milly. The several times they’d spoken, Diana had been cool but polite, and Lucy had been grateful for that. She suspected if Milly had been staying with her grandparents, she wouldn’t have been so lucky; after all, Lucy knew firsthand the low opinion Mason’s father had of her. It was possible Diana felt the same way, but she’d never treated Lucy with anything but civility.
    The call went straight to voicemail, so she left a message, asking Diana to call her as soon as she had a chance. Then she went out into the living area, where Jamie was enjoying a cup of coffee. For a few seconds, she stared at him, awestruck again by his sheer beauty.
    “Why are looking at me like that? You want me again already, don’t you?”
    Lucy giggled and said, “It’s hard not to want you when you look like that.”
    Jamie put down his coffee, walked up to her, set his hands on her waist, and pulled her against him. “Well, I know I said one night together, but what I really meant was last night and this morning until we both have to leave…” He kissed her, deeply and passionately, clearly with the intent of appeasing a different kind of hunger before breakfast came.
    But then Lucy’s phone rang.
    Lucy broke the kiss and Jamie groaned. “Don’t answer it. That’s what voicemail is for.”
    “I just left a message asking about the baby. If I don’t take this call, they might not call back.”
    He leaned his forehead against hers, took a deep breath, then slowly let her go.
    She brought the phone to her ear. “Hello?”
    “Hello, is this Ms. Lucy Conrad?” a smooth, male voice asked.
    Great, I made Jamie stop kissing me for a telemarketer, she thought.
    “Yes, but if you’re selling something…”
    “No, Ms. Conrad, I’m not a salesman. I’m an

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