Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) by Hannah Gittins

Book: Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) by Hannah Gittins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Gittins
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knows a lot of people that will have no problem in telling him where you are. Plus Casterfield is a small town. People talk.”
    Letting her head fall forward Maddie knew that she had no choice but to go on this date. She would just have to find a way, and the words, to make it completely clear that this was a one-time thing and definitely not a date. She was just going to have to make him listen.
    “Are we okay?” Sarah asked quietly cutting into Maddie’s thoughts.
    Looking up at her Maddie thought about how to answer.
    “I don’t really make friends with people.” She started. “I also find it really difficult to trust.”
    Sarah, who was looking nervous again, nodded slowly.
    “But I really like you and have a good time when I’m with you.” Maddie carried on. “I just need you to be honest with me no matter what.”
    Straight away Sarah’s head started nodding much faster, maybe even a little crazily.
    “Of course I will.” Sarah promised making a crossing motion over her heart. “I am really sorry.”
    Maddie smiled at her. “I know you are.”
    Neither said anything for a moment or two. They just stood taking in what had passed and how important their friendship had come to mean to them both. It meant a whole lot to Maddie that’s for sure.
    “What are you going to wear?” Sarah laughed clapping her hands again and walking, finally, to the sofa.
    * * * * * * * *
    Looking at herself in the bedroom mirror for the millionth time Maddie fidgeted. She adjusted the scarf round her neck again. It had taken Sarah and her ages to work out what she was going to wear. It of course doesn’t help that Maddie didn’t know where they were going for food. So did she dress up or go casual? The choice was also limited to how many outfits she actually had to pick from. Which was not many, and none of them were posh going out clothes. So casual with a sexy but classy twist it was.
    So there she stood in a comfy but smart pair of black jeans with red kitten heels. Her top was red silk with capped sleeves and a scooped neck. It showed cleavage but in a ‘they are here’ way and not in a ‘they are about to fall out’ way. The top was tight at the chest and over her ribcage then flowed down to the top of her jeans. She would have to bear in mind that when she bent her top rose a bit a showed skin at her back. Not that that was indecent but Maddie had something there she didn’t want people to see. Round her neck she had put a little red scarf that she could just not get to sit right!
    In annoyance she pulled it off and threw it on the bed. Looking at herself now she frowned. The top was something that she had bought but never really worn. It had looked so good on the mannequin but on her…Well she had more curves and Maddie thought it didn’t work as well. Sarah had not agreed and told her if she didn’t wear it then she was going to fall out with her . So Maddie had given in to peer pressure and kept it on. Plus Sarah had said Aiden would fall at her feet if she wore it. That, of course, wasn’t why Maddie really gave in…
    Looking at the clock she whimpered. Five minutes till this ridiculous date that wasn’t a date. Picking up a set of plain, mock diamond studs she put them in her ears and then put on a matching neckless. It sat nicely but might draw more attention to her cleavage than she was looking for but she had no time to change so it would have to do.    
    Her hair was up in a tight bun behind her head. It was the way she wore it to work and it kept it out of her face. Sarah had wanted her to wear it down but Maddie had let her win on the top, there was no way she was wearing her hair down.
    The doorbell went again. Although logically she knew it was going to be Aiden coming to pick her up there was still a flicker in her pulse that said it wasn’t. Ignoring it and taking a deep breath she went to get the door, Marvin trotting at heels.
    Opening it she looked up at Aiden with a nervous

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