Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine Part 2)

Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine Part 2) by Beth Kery

Book: Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine Part 2) by Beth Kery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Kery
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    An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the author
    InterMix eBook edition / August 2012
    Because You Are Mine
Copyright © 2012 by Beth Kery.
    Excerpt from
Wicked Edge
Copyright © 2012 by Beth Kery.
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Chapter 3
    Francesca had intuited that it would be a bad idea to associate with the likes of Ian Noble. She’d known she was way out of her depth every time he looked at her with that enigmatic gleam in his cobalt-blue eyes. Hadn’t he even warned her in his subtle manner that he was dangerous?
    Now here was proof of it: nearly two hundred pounds of prime, aroused male flesh pressing her against the wall. He was consuming her like she was his last meal.
    He plumped her breast farther into his hand, serving her flesh to his marauding mouth. He tugged on her nipple again, causing a sweet, sharp suction. Francesca gasped, her head banging against the wall as arousal stabbed at her sex, the strength of her reaction unprecedented. His hand at the juncture of her thighs pressed, alleviating her ache . . . mounting it.
    “Ian,” she said shakily.
    He lifted his dark head a few inches and stared at her breast. The glistening nipple was reddened, the center nubbin elongated and stiff from his ravening mouth and laving tongue. His body tautened; his cock lurched against her belly. He gave a rough growl of male satisfaction at the sight.
    “I’d have to be a fucking robot not to want that,” he said in a low, savage tone. She whimpered in raw lust and bewilderment. The slightly lost expression mingling with his scoring stare caused something to stir deep inside her spirit. Who
this man? She hated the war she sensed in him. She put her hand on the back of his head, furrowing her fingers through his hair. It was every bit as silky and thick as it looked. His gaze flashed up at her. She pushed his head toward her breast.
    “It’s all

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