Bec Adams
Maggie back to Shy River before someone at Dry Creek decided to take the “expert’s” advice to euthanize the creature and anyone who’d been bitten by it. Maggie had already figured out that the person who’d created the mutated wolf had most likely tried to kill her before the mutations began to affect her. Whatever these unknown genetic manipulators had planned it seemed they weren’t quite ready to share it with the world. How the fuck could that be the only good news?
    The worst part was that he’d seen the alpha’s reaction to whatever his caller had said on the phone and had recognized it as a man in charge having to make the hard decisions. At the time he hadn’t realized it was about Maggie. If he had he probably would have been the one shoving Hensen against a wall and demanding to be changed into a werewolf.
    “How long will it take?” he asked Hensen silently as he, Maggie, and Kade walked along the hiking track used by humans. Hensen followed them at a distance, staying in wolf form, keeping himself between them and the pack they’d left behind.
    “Direct route on four paws takes just over three hours. By road in a vehicle takes closer to seven.”
    Gavin stayed on point, leading the way, following the official park walking trails and taking Hensen’s advice on which branch to take. He glanced back to see Hensen’s huge wolf shape behind them. “And in human form?”
    “Since we need to dodge both electronic surveillance and possible searchers, several days at least.”
    “Can you run ahead and get help?”
    “That’s the plan, but I want to make certain that you and Maggie and Kade are safe first. I’ve managed to keep off the surveillance grid—it certainly helps to have been one of the designers—but if someone picked up our scents…”
    He didn’t need to finish that sentence for Gavin to understand the danger. They’d done everything they could to mask their scents as they passed through the forest, but nothing was certain. Thanks to his link with Hensen, he now had the memory of every word of the conversation he’d only witnessed from afar. The worst part was that the expert’s advice had probably been very solid. Protecting the pack was important. Whatever had been done to the wolf that had attacked Maggie might constitute a significant threat to werewolves everywhere. Maggie could very well be the “Typhoid Mary” of the paranormal world.
    But that didn’t mean her mates wouldn’t protect her.
    They were banking their hopes on Shy River having access to more advanced medical testing, techniques, and information. They were also praying that Hensen’s friendship with the beta and his partners, and Gavin’s relationship to his sister would help keep things calm until something concrete could be sorted out.
    If Maggie was dangerous they’d take her deep into the mountains and live out their lives in solitude, just the four of them. They wouldn’t let anyone euthanize her like she was some sort of rabid dog.
    “I’m sorry about before…back at the house,” Hensen said telepathically to Gavin. He sounded very serious, very apologetic. “I’ve never felt so off balance before.”
    Gavin grinned even though Hensen couldn’t see his face. “You already know I’ve forgiven you.”
    “Yes,” he said, filling their connection with his relief, “but some things need to be said.”
    “True.” He was quiet for a few moments. “But I might have done the same if the situations were reversed,” Gavin finally sent telepathically.
    Hensen seemed a little stunned by that admission, and Gavin could sense him nosing through a few memories that were none of his business. When Hensen realized what he was doing, he withdrew and apologized again.
    “Like you told the alpha, we’ll learn how to control it eventually.”
    “You heard that?” Hensen asked with a soft laugh. Gavin didn’t need to look over his shoulder to know the man in wolf form was shaking his head. “I think

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