Beauty's Curse

Beauty's Curse by Traci E. Hall

Book: Beauty's Curse by Traci E. Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Traci E. Hall
down the stairs, one hand on the wooden rail. “The master’s chamber is being readied, and E—, uh, Ned, claims you’re being forced to wed! I’ll not have it, my lady.”
    Her hands trembled, so she put them together, as if in prayer. “Calm yourself, Father. I have agreed to wed Rourke Wallis.” She couldn’t believe how easily the words fell from her lips, as if they were meant to be. Her unthawing, romantic heart took wing, and she slid a glance toward Rourke.
    His face was expressionless as he looked toward Father Jonah. The look chilled her, and she quickly returned her gaze to the priest, who had reached the bottom stair and held his hand out, palm up.
    â€œWhat have you there, Father?” It looked to be a locket. Or a ring? The center stone sparked like blue tinder, and goose bumps prickled along her arms. She took a step toward the stone, her fingertips tingling. Father Jonah appeared unaware of the dancing flames crackling around the jewel.
    Impossible. Galiana blinked, and the sparks were gone. She wanted that ring.
    â€œI’ll tell you, my lady, and then we can toss this charlatan to the goats.”
    Trepidation danced along her spine. Rourke remained silent, although the fine lines bracketing his mouth paled.
    â€œSee this? He can’t marry you, my lady Galiana, for he is betrothed to another!”
    â€œIs this true?” I should have known. Galiana cursed her gullibility.
    Rourke shrugged. “I cannot see what the priest holds.”
    â€œA silver and blue ring.” Her eyes itched with unshed tears. She’d been under a lot of strain; that’s all. Rings didn’t have dancing flames, and she did not believe in love. What she needed was a warm bath, her lavender and rose candles, and a cup of lemon tea. And mayhap a heated towel with rose oil upon her forehead, lest the worry bring wrinkles.
    With a bark of scoffing laughter, Rourke said, “That’s why the priest says I’m promised to another? Because he found the gift I was bringing to you?”
    Startled, Gali realized her first instinct was to believe him and take the ring, but she carefully masked her emotions and replayed how he’d said the words—as if they were true, and yet she wasn’t sure that they were.
    Tilting her head to the side, she studied the man. He was too smooth.
    â€œYou’re lying.”
    â€œMy lady! I overheard one of his knights saying how Lord Rourke had been promised to another. That is why this wedding comes as a surprise to his men, too.” Father Jonah shook his finger at Rourke.
    â€œYou eavesdrop and take those words as fact?” Rourke stood, anger evident in the furrow of his brow as he said coldly in her direction, “What difference does it make? I have been ordered by Prince John to marry you. You will marry me, or your brother goes to the tower.”
    He paused, but Galiana couldn’t have spoken if she’d wanted to.
    â€œThis isn’t a love match, my lady, so don’t act the injured party. I promise you nothing of my heart. You’ll never go hungry or be without clothing or a roof over your head. I don’t believe in love.”
    The hope that had dared to blossom within her breast shriveled. Galiana lifted her chin. “Neither do I.”

Chapter Five
    â€œI’m ready, Jamie. Send the men in.”
    Rourke sat with his back to the fireplace. He and Jamie had placed the furniture strategically so that Rourke would be able to get up and walk around as if he could see.
    He could feel Galiana’s fury, hotter than the flames at his back. The roles in this game of chance had already been assigned, and he could only allow her anger to be an irritant—nothing more.
    â€œThis is foolish. We can’t leave tomorrow. What if we get separated on the road? It would serve you right to get lost in a snowstorm. You could add chills and a cough to your current maladies. I’m no

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